Get Me Married

Chapter 12
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Samantha Brandon


Everyone stood up and stared at him walking away without taking a second glance at me till he wascompletely out of the glass house. Then they stared at me.

I blinked rapidly in attempts to push away the tears that threatened to fall down from my eyes. I held myflower as tightly as I could, I didn’t want to cry. I couldn’t afford to cry, with so many people.

I was so confused, I was hurt and devasted. It was my wedding and of all the things I expected, whathe did shocked me.

I looked around the crowd for help, my eyes fell on Tiana first, then my mom and mom Leona. Theysaw the look of helplessness in my eyes and immediately came to my aid.

Hours later, a driver drove me to a different hotel. That was the hotel I was supposed to have gone withmy husband but I was driving there alone after telling my family and everyone I loved good bye.

Mom Leona had said something urgent came up and he had to leave that way, atleast that was whatshe explained to the press but I knew that was a lie.

I was supposed to be happy or nervous about my new life with my husband. I was supposed to be inthe car, holding his hands or talking about something as we always spoke on phone. I was supposed tobe nervous about my wedding night and how I was going to live as a Mrs Jordan Chase but that wasn’twhat happen.

What happened was that, my husband left me on our wedding and didn’t return even when it was lateat night. What happened was that I was driving back to a hotel alone, confused and completely heartbroken.

The car came to a halt and a guard opened the door. It still felt weird having so many security.

I stepped down begrudgingly and started walking while two security followed behind. Most leoplebowed their heads to me, which was weird because I knew none of them. I was being treated betterand no one looked down on me. I guessed that was what I got for being a Chase.

The moment I opened the door to my hotel room and stepped in, I breathed heavily and fell on the bed.

I felt so miserable, I felt so pained, I felt so annoyed. Things were terrible for me and yet many enviedthe wife of Jordan Chase.

A single tear escaped my eyes and then another and another till it fell like rain. I missed my family, Imissed my friends and I wasn’t as happy as I expected I would be on such a day.

“Why did he leave?” !

“Where did he go to?”

“Did I do something wrong?” I kept asking so many questions.

After a while of crying till I could no longer cry. I picked up my phone and went through the buzz ofsocial media. My wedding was all that was being talked about, everyone spoke about it, they wereinfact nice things. No one spoke about Jordan leaving his wife at the alter. They felt like it was a perfectwedding and truly, at the beginning of everything, I also felt it was a perfect wedding, but I wasn’t sosure. I wasn’t even sure I would have a perfect life after.

“maybe something happened. He had to have a reasonable excuse to have left me that way. He wouldcall and apologize and everything would be fine” I told myself and gave myself a little hope.

I remained awake and waited for him to call as he had been doing for the past few days, none came. Iwaited for a text, nothing happened. As time ran fast into the night, the little hope in my heart

disappeared and I slept off alone and miserable on my wedding night.

I woke up to a beautiful breakfast that was placed in front of me on my bed and my heart leaped in Joyimmediately.

“Maybe it’s Jordan” my thoughts said excited.

My stomach rumbled and sang in excitement at the aroma of the food that passed through my noseand I immediately dug into it without waiting to see you placed it there.

“You must have been very hungry” I heard mom Leona’s voice and turned to the door.

My heart dropped at the sight of her, it was Jordan I wanted to see, not her.

“You…I…” I stuttered as I tried coming in terms with the fact that Jordan didn’t bring the food.

“Where is Jordan?” I asked instead and the faint smile she had on her face disappeared.

“He is not here yet” she said and came closer to the bed. Tears burned the back of my eyes once againbut I blinked hard to keep them away.

“Come on, eat” she said and sat close to me on the bed.

I stared at the food and didn’t feel like eating anymore. My heart was heavy and confused, I didn’t evenknows how I was supposed to react. Was I supposed to get angry? Or get sad?

“Come on, you have to keep your energy” she persuaded me. I stared at her with sad eyes for a whilebut I reluctantly did as she said and continued with my breakfast.

While I ate, she stared at me, her eyes held so much pity and sympathy. It made me feel worse, I feltterrible.

“Where is Jordan?” I asked her again and she looked away.

“Business trip” she simply said.

“He left without uttering a word to me, I am his wife, am I not?” I found myself going emotional again

“Yes you are my dear” she said taking my hand in hers reassuring.

“Jordan is just being Jordan. He would be back and everything will be fine” she said.

But her words gave me no reassurance. Her words gave me no feeling of hope and happiness,something wasn’t right and my confusion grew even further

“He didn’t call or text. I don’t think you are telling me the truth” I said truthfully.

“Genesis. I also can’t reach him, even Liam, his father can’t reach him. Maybe that’s why he hasn’tcalled or texted, it’s going to be fine I promise” she said and pulled me into a hug. I clinged unto her likeI would hold onto my mother if she was actually the one

“You guys can come on in” Mom Leona yelled after a while and pulled away from the hug. Pretty youngladies with a pink, sexy uniform came marching into my room.

“Who are they?’ I asked her and she smiled knowingly at me

“They are your honeymoon package. Yes Jordan isn’t here yet. But they will be incharge of you” shesaid and I became more confused

“They will be your maids for eventually everything. They can bath you, feed you, shop with you, giveyou massages, manicure, pedicures. Anything you need them to do” she said and a faint smile spreadacross my lips

I wanted my honeymoon to be in an island or a resort in a island. Not a honeymoon package with sexygirls.

“Come on, get her bath ready” she said to them and they scurried away obediently.

“Genesis…” Mom Leona called out to me when they were out of earshot.

“Can you do me a favor?” she asked and my eyes met hers as I waited for what she wanted to ask


“You know, you are a Chase now” she said and covered both of my hands with hers.

I gave her a nod in acknowledgement.

“You have to do everything to keep our name intact” she added.

“That means you have to smile when you are sad, laugh when you want to cry, represent us as the onlydaughter in-law of Liam Chase and keep your pain away from everyone, including…” She paused andstared at me

“Your family” she said and I gaped at her.

“You just have to be a Chase” she added and I pulled my hands away from her angrily.

“Really. I have to lie to my family, I have to pretend to be happy. I can’t even tell them that my husbandhasn’t sent a text or called me after he left huh?” I said raising my voice a little.

“I’m sorry dear, but that’s just the way it is. You would do anything to protect your family, wouldn’t you?”she asked.

“And that was why you agreed to this marriage in the first place. To protect your family” she paused andstared at me.

“Same way you have to protect this family. You have two families now and you have to protect us justas you would protect the other family you have” she said and understanding dawned.

I hated agreeing to what she had to say but that was the truth.

“Okay” I said to mom Leona and she smiled.

“I was thinking you would travel out of the country, for the days he would be away atleast” she addedand a wide smile spread to my lips.

“Really” I asked excited and she chuckled.novelbin

“You are Chase now, you can do anything” she said proudly.

“Now pick a country of your choice. I think I will appoint my p.a to assist you while we go aboutsearching for someone who can assist you do things. But for now, pick a country so we can geteverything ready for you” she said and I shrieked.

I had never left my country and all of a sudden I had an opportunity to pick any country of my choice.Ofcourse I was happy, it was the first time I was genuinely happy after the wedding drama.

“How about Italy, or Korea or maybe Dubai..ohhh wait, Paris. Every girl wants to go to Paris” I talkedrapidly and she laughed.

“Is Paris your final option?” she asked and I gave her a nod with excitement.

“Paris it is. Now take care of yourself now, go for shopping, talk to your family and by tomorrow you willbe leaving for Paris okay” she said and I shrieked happily.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you” I yelled. “And fuck Jordan…for now” my thoughts said.


“No, no, no, no, no….he didn’t. He couldn’t” I screamed at no one in particular when I saw the news ofJordan’s marriage.

He loved me, he wanted me, it’s been so long and he still wanted me. How could he have gottenmarried to someone else?

My heart burned with rage at the thought of him having another woman.

It had always been me, always. There was always me, since we knew each other as kids. Till ourteenage age and unto the days of our adult hood. It was me, just me, only me.

“You should have accepted the proposal” I damned myself.

But I didn’t know he would go ahead to get married, I thought he would wait and remain single while hewaited for me. Though I didn’t want to get married to him, I knew his secret and I would be damned tobe married to such a man. But I had him under my control, he loved me too much and who wouldn’twant a chase, a Jordan Chase to be his puppet.

And that was why I was so pissed when I heard about the marriage, I smashed my phone on the tableand kicked my legs on what I could kicked. I groaned in frustration used my hands to completely ruinmy hair. If he had a wife, then I would be nothing to him, I would mean nothing and he would no longerlove me.

I regretted why I rejected the first proposal, and then the second. I regretted everything because at theend of the day, I lost him.

I turned to my couch and looked around my mess. I had completely ruined everything and yet I was stillraging inside. I was thinking about getting out of the house to a bar or club that could take away theanger and disappointment I felt at the news of Jordan’s marriage when my doorbell rang. I groaned andignored it. There was no way I was going to let someone into my house when it was in such a mess.But whoever it was didn’t go away, the doorbell kept ringing till I had it up to my throat and angrilystormed to the door.



“Are you dumb, can’t you….” I shut up the moment my eyes met the brown eyes that stared at meangrily.

“Jordan…I whispered and felt my body go warm as I inhaled his cologne. I felt my skin tingling inexcitement and lust. But I took my mind away from nasty things immediately and came back to reality,he was angry at me. His eyes were cold and they could shred me apart, secondly he was at the front ofmy house when he was supposed to be in his honeymoon. That said a lot.

Tears came down from my eyes immediately and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, hugginghim like my life depended on it.

“How could you, you left me. You got married, how could you?” I cried miserable and with my armsaround him, I felt his muscles relax just a little.

“I almost died from hearing the news, I almost lost it. Jordan, I thought you were mine and I am yours,how could you?” I cried more and shook violently, making sure my words sank and melted his icy heart.

He said nothing, he was always a man of few words but there was progress. I held him tightly and criedharder and harder as the minute went by. Then I felt his hands move by his side, slowly his both hands

lifted from his side and gently he wrapped them around my waist tightly.

“You broke me again…you declined my marriage proposal” he said and my thoughts raced till an ideastroke.

I pulled away from his arms and stared up at his eyes, making sure I looked as confused as I couldever .

“What marriage proposal?”

Genesis is in for trouble

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