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Chapter 39

He tapped his knuckles on the door and then reached for the knob. The moment he pushed it open,every thought vanished as he took in the sight of Roslyn across the room, standing in front of the floor-length mirror.

Her eyes met his in the reflection as she fastened one earring. Her honey blond hair fell in waves overone shoulder and the ruby red strapless gown fit as if the designer had all of those luscious curves inmind.

The material draped down in the back and scooped low in the front. A little flare at the bottom onlyaccentuated Roslyn’s pinup shape.novelbin

“I hope you like it,” she told him, turning to face him and smoothed her hands down the front of thedress. “I know it’s a little flashy for a wedding, but someone told me red was your favorite color.”

Flashy? More like elegance and sex all rolled into one. The dress, the woman... It was all utterlyperfect.

Nigel moved on into the room and smiled. “You’ve been talking to my grandmother.”


Nigel stopped before he reached her, afraid if he got too close they may never leave this room. Thesight of her had him forgetting any issues with Secret Lives and the dealings back in New York.

“I don’t think it’s customary to show up the bride,” he told her.

“Oh, I doubt I could do that,” Roslyn laughed. “I haven’t seen Ellen’s wedding dress yet, but I’m certainshe’s going to be stunning.”

“I’m positive I won’t be able to take my eyes off you. Maybe we could skip the ceremony and just hit thereception.”

When he started to reach for her, she skirted around him with another laugh.

“You’re a groomsman,” she reminded him. “I’m pretty sure your family would notice if you weren’tthere.”

“With the way you look right now, I don’t really care what my family thinks.” He took a step toward her,his gaze raking over her once more before landing on her eyes. “I couldn’t imagine being here withoutyou.”

Roslyn’s smile faltered and she glanced down to her hands.

Nigel reached for her, curling his hands around her arms. “Everything alright?”

Her dark eyes came back up to his. “I need to tell you something.”

Good conversations never came from that starting point. Nigel smoothed his thumbs across her skin,toying with the thin straps across her arms.

“You look worried,” he told her. “Whatever it is, you can tell me. I trust you.”

She opened her mouth, then closed it. A moment later she pasted on a smile that he knew she’dforced.

“I just...”

Worry rolled off her in waves so Nigel leaned forward and slid his lips over hers for a second beforeeasing back.

Roslyn licked her lips and sighed. “I think I’m falling for you.”

Well, that wasn’t what he’d thought she would say and he had to admit, he wasn’t surprised.

Scared like hell that the words were out in the open, but not actually surprised. He wasn’t oblivious tohow she looked at him, how she touched him.

“I know it’s wrong,” she went on in a hurry. “We’re supposed to be faking this while we’re here, but—”

“Roslyn.” He had to stop her. “You’re intriguing, you challenge me, you’re sexy as hell and I enjoy ourtime together. I just... I can’t offer love. I’m married to this show, to growing it even bigger. A relationshipwith love and commitment... I don’t know when I could offer that. You deserve more than I’d be able togive you.”

Roslyn closed her eyes and shook her head. “I should’ve kept my feelings to myself,” she muttered.

“No,” he countered. “I’m glad you shared what you’re feeling. I just...can’t say the same. I care for you,but love isn’t something I can do.”

She returned her anxious gaze to his, but Nigel kissed her forehead. He wished he could give hereverything she deserved, everything she wanted. But love was huge and he couldn’t commit tosomething so strong, so permanent right now...not when he was in limbo of making or breaking theshow he’d worked so hard to produce.

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