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Chapter 38

“I’ll be right back.”

Nigel eased off the bed, leaving her to watch as he crossed the room. The brightness from the daylightfiltered in through the glass doors, casting a

glorious glow on his magnificent form.

She didn’t even try to turn away or hide the fact she was blatantly staring.

Nigel rummaged around through his luggage until he pulled out a box of condoms. Sophie laughed.

“Wow. Feeling optimistic, aren’t we?”

He shrugged. “Hopeful. Besides, we’re here for five days.”

“Are you planning on us leaving this room?” she asked as he stalked back toward her. “You do have awedding to be in.”novelbin

“Oh, I wouldn’t miss my sister’s wedding.” He sat the box on the side table and climbed back on thebed. “I also wouldn’t miss the chance to explore this body again. I don’t think I appreciated it enough onthe plane.”

“Oh, I’d say you appreciated me more than enough,” she laughed. “Maybe it’s my turn.”

With a bold confidence she’d never felt before, Sophie came up to her knees and pressed her handson his bare chest. She shoved him back onto the bed and straddled his lap.

“I think you’ve had enough control for once.”

Leaning back against the headboard, Nigel placed his hands behind his head and smiled. “I’m notabout to argue with a beautiful woman.”

She had no idea what she was doing. She only knew she wanted total power over him for this moment,so she let her desires guide her.

Sophie reached across to the nightstand and grabbed a condom. There was no hiding her shakinghands as she tore open the wrapper and carefully covered him.

He never took his eyes off her.

That intense stare added to her nerves...and her arousal. This man could be so potent without saying aword or even reaching for her. The way he looked at her, like she was the most important thing in hislife, was so foreign to her. She could tell he was falling for her, even if he hadn’t said so or maybe hedidn’t even realize it himself.

But she couldn’t, wouldn’t, dwell on emotions right now. Nigel had awakened something inside her andshe wanted to spend their time together not worrying about the issues back home. For the duration ofher stay here, she would play the dutiful girlfriend and sultry lover.

Those would be the easiest lies she’d ever told.

Bracing her hands on his chest, Sophie joined their bodies. The moment they connected, she let out asharp cry. This was so much different than what she’d experienced earlier. She didn’t know if it camefrom the dominance on her part or the position, but Sophie closed her eyes as sensation after glorioussensation rolled through her.

Nigel’s hands gripped her hips and she lifted her eyes to focus on him. Yeah, there was that look, theone she could identify—something stronger than lust...something she feared would get them both hurt.

Ignoring the impending broken heart, Sophie placed her hands on either side of his head and leaneddown. Her hair curtained them both as she slid her mouth over his. She wanted everything he had tooffer and more. She wanted to consume him, to join with him in every way. The ache in her body grew

as her hips pumped against his. The spiral of euphoria slithered through her as she tore her lips awayand cried out.

Nigel gripped her backside as his own body jerked and trembled. Sophie watched as the pleasureovercame him, and she wondered if anything could ever compare to this moment.

She didn’t believe so. All she could do was enjoy these next few days, because when they got back toNew York, she was going to have to finish her plan and head home as soon as possible. The longershe spent with Nigel, the more she worried he might just be the one she hadn’t known she was lookingfor.


Nigel didn’t know why he was so damn nervous, but he stood outside of his suite door and adjusted hisbowtie. He hated these bloody things, but since he had to stand up with the groom, he had to wearone.

He’d left Roslyn to get ready on her own while he’d gone to see if anyone needed help with settingthings up for the ceremony. Ellen had decided to get married in the grand ballroom of the estate andthere were bustles of wedding planners, florists, caterers, and who knows who else all around the eastwing on the main level.

Nigel had ended up in the study, reading texts from Seraphina telling him she was so sorry, but she andClint had made the decision not to film a spin-off. She went on and on about how she knew this wouldnot be what Nigel wanted—assuring him that she’d had a lengthy conversation with Lulu about theprospect of a new show—but Fee wanted to let him know that she was certain it wasn’t for her. Shewould be happy to talk contract removal once he returned home.

Nigel cocked his head from side to side, trying to alleviate some of the pressure of this bloodybuttoned-up shirt and tie. He had no clue what to do about Fee’s contract right now, and that wassomething he’d have to put on the back burner—at least for today.

His sister was getting married and Roslyn was no doubt going to looking breathtaking. He’d had fivegowns for her to choose from that his personal stylist had assured him any woman would love.

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