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Chapter 25

bsp; There it was. The reason she couldn’t fully enjoy her first sexual experience. Nigel didn’t evenknow her real name. Guilt and disappointment spiraled through her. She’d finally chosen to give herselfto someone, and her pleasure had been robbed by her lies. She had nobody to blame but herself.

How could she let this go any further? Clearly Nigel cared for her on some level. He’d taken his time,he’d made love to her with his mouth, and now he looked as if he was perfectly content with nothingmore.

Why couldn’t she have met him before the deceit? Why couldn’t she just tell him who she was and whyshe was here?novelbin

Because her brothers were counting on her and she couldn’t let them down. Miranda had no right totake ownership of a family legacy that meant nothing to her anyway.

“I may be inexperienced,” she told him. “But I’m not naive or dumb. You’ve got to be...frustrated.”

Again, he let out a throaty laugh. “I’ll admit to being a trifle uncomfortable.”

His smile slowly faded and those lingering eyes continued to hold her in place. Another burst of arousalslid through her, coupled with fear of all the unknown components that made up this warpedrelationship.

At some point, this was all going to blow up in her face and they were both going to end up hurt. Thelonger she stayed, the more involved they became, the more Sophie knew there would be no good wayfor this to end.

Nigel sighed and came to his feet. He raked a hand over his mussed hair and stared down at her, thenoffered a soft smile.

“You look good spread out over my couch,” he told her. “I’ve envisioned you several times, in severalways—spread across my bed, in my shower, on my desk.”

Sophie adjusted her dress and stood, tugging the material down to cover her thighs. “You’ve beenbusy,” she joked, though her nerves were even more out of control than they’d been before he’dpleasured her.

“I told you, I’ve never met a woman like you.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and raked histhumb over her chin. “Nobody has been able to distract me from work before and nobody has evermade me want to put them first in everything. You’ve put some spell on me.”

Sophie swallowed, unable to form words to follow his declaration. This was getting too deep, toointimate... But she knew tonight was just a stepping stone for the future. She wasn’t innocent enough tothink they’d just stop here.

“I could say the same,” she replied, still recovering from his touch. “I just didn’t expect any of this.”

She had to tell the truth where she could. Maybe he’d even turn out to be understanding. After all, he’dhave to see that her attraction to Nigel had nothing at all to do with her plan to reveal Miranda for theruthless gold digger Sophie believed her to be.

But what if he took it badly? What if he threw her out...and then called Miranda to tell her everything?She couldn’t bring herself to risk it.

Lying to his face made her miserable. She’d never felt so guilty, so ugly. But she’d already started thisand she would see it through.

“The new responsibilities I’ve given you have nothing at all to do with this attraction,” he told her. “Ineed you to know that. In a very short time, you’ve proven to be a worthy asset.”

Sophie smiled. “I didn’t think you gave me an extra project to get in my pants. But I’m glad to know youfind my ideas of value.”

At least she could be a little proud of the effort she’d put into this faux job. If she’d learned anythingfrom her father, it was how to work hard no matter the occupation.

She just wished her father would’ve thought more of her and her brothers and shown some real caretoward them—in his life or in his death. Money and assets aside, she didn’t know why he wouldn’tleave them a part of his legacy. Why he would throw it all at Miranda like she deserved more in herblingy, snobby life. The woman mainly stayed in New York with her friends and outgoing lifestyle. Herplace in Royal was just a getaway.

Even though Sophie and her father had had a strained relationship, having everything removed fromher life where he was concerned seemed so final, so heartbreaking. Like she just had to sever any tiesshe had with him. He was her father, she still loved him and she had nothing of his to hold on to.

“I’m glad you decided to go to the ceremony with me tonight,” Nigel interrupted her thoughts, reachingfor her hand and lacing his fingers with hers. “You may not believe me, but I typically go alone.”

Sophie tipped her head. “I do find that hard to believe.”

Nigel wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in closer to his solid, powerful body. “And I find it hard tobelieve no man has captured your attention or your heart yet.”

She stilled. “Is that what you’re after? My heart?”

Nigel slid his hands over her backside and squeezed. “I’m not looking to fall in love, not when I’m busybuilding an empire and a name for myself. But I wouldn’t mind some companionship while you’re intown.”

“A fling?” she asked.

“That’s such a juvenile, crass term.”

He slid his lips over hers, so softly she had to grip onto his shoulders to keep herself grounded in theface of the tenderness.

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