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Chapter 24

Those fingers in his hair tightened, pulled, and only further aroused him. Roslyn had all this pent-uppassion and he was about to make her come undone.

He curled his fingers over the scraps of material at her hips and slowly eased the panties down herlegs. She still wore those bedroom heels and he most definitely wanted those to stay in place. He wasa sucker for a woman in heels.

“Nigel,” she whispered.

He stilled, raking his gaze up her body until he met her eyes. “You trust me?”novelbin

She bit her lip and nodded. Nigel slid one fingertip over her, earning him a soft moan.

He eased farther down, settling his shoulders between her parted legs. She continued to thread herfingers through his hair, as if she couldn’t stop touching him. He was so damn aroused and turned on,but this moment, this night, was all about her. He never believed selfishness had any place in thebedroom and he sure as hell wasn’t about to start now.

While he’d love nothing more than to shed this suit and show her exactly how much he wanted her, thatwould do Roslyn no good. He wanted her to see exactly how great this could be, how perfect her firstsexual experience should feel.

No pressure, right?

His lips barely grazed her center and her hips bucked. The need for more had him sliding one fingerinto her.

Roslyn cried out and he absolutely loved the sounds she made...loved knowing he was the one makingher come undone.

When he replaced his finger with his mouth, Nigel knew he’d never experience a sweeter, more eroticmoment in his life. Roslyn moaned as she arched into his touch.

Nigel pleasured her until she gasped his name and fisted her fingers in his hair, pulling tighter thanbefore. Her heels locked behind his back, the point of her shoe dug in and he didn’t care one bit.

This. Was. Everything.

Roslyn had a passion that he’d never seen in another woman. She had an abandon that proved shewasn’t ashamed to be herself, to expose the most intimate side of herself.

Nigel waited until her trembling ceased before he kissed her inner thighs and eased up. When heglanced down, he took a mental picture, never wanting to forget this for a second. Her hair had comeundone, now spread all around her. Her eyes were closed, her mouth open, a sheen across her chest,her breathing rapid.

Roslyn looked exactly like what she was...a woman well loved.

But he had no clue what to do now. Nigel had never been in this situation before. He’d never been sobloody attracted to a woman, and a virgin at that. And she still was a virgin.

Damn it. He was more scandalous than the stars of his show. If anyone found out he’d taken his brand-new hire to bed, his reputation would be shattered. It would give weight to every doubt and reservationhis family had expressed, every time they’d told him that New York wasn’t his place and he shouldcome home where he belonged. He’d built a life for himself here that he could be proud of—how couldhe risk throwing that all away?

And yet how could he resist this woman who had given him this beautiful gift? Besides, she wasshowing him such trust—surely he could show a little trust in return that everything would work out.

Nigel pushed aside any thoughts that didn’t center around Roslyn. Because right now, and for theforeseeable future, all he wanted was to continue showing this woman just how much she was desired.


Sophie pulled in a shaky breath and attempted to sit up and right her dress.

They had just broken all the rules. This could hurt the business he loved so much and it couldjeopardize her plan to protect her family’s legacy. But she wasn’t sorry this had happened. How couldshe be? Nigel had just pleasured her in the most intimate way and he hadn’t even fully undressed her.

He slid his hands over her thighs, up to her waist, and pulled her forward.

“I don’t know what to say,” she muttered, feeling reality crash back down.

“You don’t have to say anything,” he replied with a naughty grin. “Believe me, this was my pleasure.”

Speaking of...

“Don’t you want—”

“Oh, more than you know.” He cut her off with a low laugh that seemed to hold more frustration thanhumor. “But this was about you. I’ve wanted you since you stepped foot into my office. I can’t resistyou, Roslyn.”


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