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Chapter 80

Chapter 80 Another Letter (Nikolas POV)

Aliana’s heartache weighed heavily on me, but I was determined to root out any lurking spies in ourmidst, no matter the cost.

Lisa, dear and pure, presented a challenge, for treating her as I did tug at my heartstrings.

However, it was an unavoidable necessity. I hoped Aliana would find it in her heart to forgive me, forour future held paramount importance. She needed to understand that everything I undertook atpresent was for her and her people, who were also my own. I yearned for her not to make it an issue.

Qusack interrogated Lisa, and to my relief, her accounts checked out. Truly, her father had abandonedher mother before she came into this world, leaving no trace of a relationship.

The news brought solace, as I knew Aliana cherished her friendship. Tearing them apart would havebeen a sorrowful act. I expressed gratitude for the update and instructed Qusack to release Lisa.Moreover, I asked him to inform Aliana of her friend’s freedom, so that her distress might subside.

Understanding the arduous task of seeking Aliana’s forgiveness, I decided to acquire some flowersbefore returning to my chambers. Fully aware of her anger towards me, I planned to offer them as atoken of appeasement. I engaged a florist to carefully select a bouquet of roses and have themdelivered to my quarters within the palace.

As I made my way back to my room, Abraham reached out to inform me of a letter we had just receivedfrom the committee. Swiftly altering my course, I headed straight for my office. I wondered what urgentmatter they wished to discuss. Knowing a meeting was held privately without me, made me wary of theletter’s content.

Entering my office, I found Abraham waiting for me. Qusack was absent, undoubtedly dealing withother pressing matters.

“Good evening, Alpha,” Abraham greeted me, to which I nodded in acknowledgement.

The letter lay unt*ouched on my desk. Normally, Qusack would open and read the correspondence, butwith his absence, Abraham had left it for me to peruse.

Sitting down in my chair, I let out a weary sigh. Abraham noticed my fatigue and inquired, “Rough day?”

I nodded in response, picking up the letter and examining it. Its contents carried a weight of discontent.

“Aliana is upset about what happened with Lisa,” I confessed, studying the words on the page.

“She needs to brace herself and be strong. There are no sentiments in leadership. We are fortunatethat Lisa proved not to be a spy. Imagine if she had been

working alongside her father, Fredrick and our enemies would have gained the upper hand,” Abrahamexpressed.

“I believe she will understand once I take the time to explain,” I relayed, looking at Abraham.

Ironically, I had never spoken of my intentions towards Aliana to Abraham, nor had I revealed thedepths of my feelings for her. Yet, somehow, he seemed to have perceived it. Whom was I fooling? Myaffection for her was undoubtedly apparent.

Opening the letter, I read its contents:

“Dear Alpha Nikolas Kowalski,

We write this letter in good conscience, hoping you read it with understanding. We have been madeaware of certain issues concerning your recent activities and the blatant disregard for the Unity Law.

Some alphas have accused you of disrespect and refusing to respond to their requests.

Rules govern us, and disregarding them would be ill- advised.

Despite not yet being king, you and the other alphas are equalled.

It is highly disrespectful to disregard your equals as you have. Believing this to be a meremisunderstanding, and assuming no ill intent on your part, I have decided that you shall host the nextcommittee meeting in Forest on the 13th. This will allow us to observe the state of the region andexplore avenues for its rapid development.

Please remember that this is a friendly letter, and we sincerely hope for your success.

Alpha Olsen Sadowski”

Suppressing the urge to crumple the letter in my fist, I acknowledged the gravity of the situation.

It was not a request but an order. They wanted me to host the meeting so they could infiltrate Forestand spy on me.

Furthermore, they conveniently omitted to mention the Snow meeting to which I was not invited,effectively isolating me from their activities.

I resolved to seek counsel from Gabriel on how to handle this matter. While I couldn’t prevent themfrom coming, I could thwart their nefarious plans within our borders.

Abraham, exhausted as he was, and I engaged in a thorough discussion about the letter. He assuredme he would inform Gabriel of the situation, seeking his advice. I also instructed him to relay themessage to Qusack.novelbin

Returning to my chambers, I found Aliana reclining on the couch, sipping juice. The presence of theflowers in the room reminded me of where we had left off. Curiosity tempted me to steal a glimpse, butshe surprised me with a radiant smile as if nothing had transpired.

“I adored the flowers,” she remarked swiftly, leaving me astounded by her sudden change in mood. Ihad anticipated her initial anger, yet I was mistaken.

Rising from the couch, she approached me, her robe slightly ajar, revealing a glimpse of the lacelingerie I had gifted her from Peakland. I wondered when she would wear the rest of them. Instantly, myface lit up, and I used my hands to open her robe further, revelling in the sight before me. She wasresplendent. “Black suits you, Little Wolf,” I whispered, my lips grazing her earlobe, eliciting a delightfulgiggle and moan. I had anticipated resistance, but it seemed there was no friction between us. Still, Iunderstood the necessity of a proper apology.

Drawing her closer, I nibbled at her neck, feeling a rush of exhilaration.

“I apologise for what transpired with Lisa, Little Wolf,” I confessed, and she gently pulled away, hereyes meeting mine.

“It was necessary. She explained everything to me. There’s no need to apologise for striving to keep ussafe. I, too, apologise for my initial attitude,” she expressed, and relief washed over me as we reachedan understanding. Nonetheless, I felt the need to offer a more heartfelt apology.

Scooping her up in my arms, I carried her to bed, carefully removing her robe and laying her down onthe sheets. She looked breathtaking. I went to work, for each time I made love to Aliana, it was anexperience unlike any other.

I gently caressed her voluptuous curves, my fingertips tracing the contours of her tender bosom,evoking a passionate sigh from her lips. The intoxicating scent of her desire filled the air, enveloping us

in a haze of anticipation. In that moment, she belonged to me completely, her body aflame withreadiness.

With tender care, I unfastened the delicate clasp of her bra, unveiling her supple breasts as my handsexplored their silken terrain. As I drew her nipple into my mouth, one by one, a symphony of pleasureescaped her throat, a sweet melody that reached the depths of my soul. Her plea for consummationtantalised my senses, her hand stretching towards my waistband in an ardent invitation.

Unable to resist her allure, I succumbed to the passion that coursed through my veins, surrenderingmyself to the depths of her being. Our bodies merged, intertwining with an intensity that spoke volumesof our love. With each movement, I sought to convey the depth of my devotion, illustrating to her thesheer magnitude of her significance in my life.

As our ardor intensified, we cascaded into waves of ecstasy, finally collapsing upon the bed, our spentbodies intertwined. Though physically weary, my heart soared, buoyed by the knowledge that no matterwhat challenges may arise, she would forever remain by my side. With newfound courage, I embracedthe future, secure in the enduring bond we shared.

Afterwards, lying together in bed, spent and content, I decided it was time to disclose what lay ahead,allowing her to prepare herself.

“There may be a war on the horizon,” I began, and in an instant, she exclaimed, sitting up straight inbed. I joined her, wrapping my arms around her and holding her close.

“I have discussed it with your father, and he is willing to assist. The truth is, Fredrick, would never allowme to ascend the throne. If I continue to play politics with that bastard, I risk losing everything, includingmy life. Besides, I desire our child to be born into freedom,” I confessed, tenderly placing my hand uponher abdomen, where a faint bulge indicated new life.

“Recently, I discovered that my father never signed the Unity Law decree or the decree about the slavetrade. Someone intercepted the letters and forged his signature on those decrees. I suspect his right-hand man, whom I’ve just learned may still be alive. I also discovered that Lisa’s father and others workfor him. That’s why I took those precautions. And you were right about Dr Newton—he is a spy workingfor

Fredrick. It’s all a tangled mess, Aliana. I need you to be strong for me. I promised your father that Iwould do right by you, and I have no choice but to fulfil that promise because you mean everything tome, Aliana. Please know that I intend to win this battle and claim the crown through force,” I revealed.

“I have decided to declare myself as the Forest King and await Fredrick’s response. They plan to holda

committee meeting in Forest. I know it is an opportunity for them to communicate with their spies andassess my strength. Although I cannot deny them entry, I plan to reduce the werewolf population inForest, creating the illusion that I do not possess a significant number of werewolves here. With Hilland Snow’s spies apprehended, there will be no one left to inform them otherwise,” I informed her,observing the worry in her eyes as her fingers gently traced patterns on my cheek. Her eyes glistenedwith tears. “I’ve always known it might come to this. Please be wise and stay safe. Know that you havemy unwavering support in whatever you decide, and I will stand by your side until the very end,” sheassured me, bolstering my confidence with her unwavering loyalty. All that remained now was to setour plans into motion

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