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Chapter 79

Chapter 79 Cakes, Pies and Lisa (Aliana POV)

The day trudged along at a snail’s pace, and the heaviness of my sleep-filled morning lingered on. As Iemerged from my slumber, I found Ania and Lisa engrossed in a lively game of cards at the coffeetable, their laughter filling the room. Though I overheard Ania mention Erica’s name, it failed to registerin my groggy mind. Determined to shake off the sluggishness, I finally mustered the strength to get outof bed. Making my way towards the bathroom, I was greeted by Ania’s cheerful voice.

“Good to see you up and about,” she exclaimed, and I couldn’t help but giggle in response.

“Refreshed,” I replied, meeting her gaze, and she winked playfully.

“Alpha mentioned craving chocolate cake and coconut cream pie. Are you up for a kitchen adventure?”Ania asked, and I nodded eagerly.

“It’s bound to be a marvellous experience,” Lisa chimed in, laughing along.

“Let me freshen up, and then we can begin,” I suggested, and both of them agreed wholeheartedly.

In a hurry, I took a quick shower and stepped out of the bathroom. Picking out something comfortablefrom the closet, I opted for a shirt and shorts, wanting to avoid any clumsiness while working in thekitchen. Although tempted to wear Nikolas’s clothes, I decided against it at the last moment. Revealingsensitive information to potential spies was not a risk worth taking; my own attire would have to sufficefor now.

Exiting the closet, I found the ladies ready to leave. Together, we left the room, embarking on ourjourney towards the kitchen. I silently prayed that we wouldn’t encounter Isabelle along the way, and tomy relief, my prayer was answered. We managed to navigate through the mansion without bumpinginto that woman. Stepping into the kitchen, a wave of relief washed over me, only to be short-lived as I

laid eyes on Shirley, Qusack’s date from our dinner with Prince Piotr and Natasha. Suppressing theurge to roll my eyes, I greeted her with a smile.

“Aliana,” she said, trying to sound friendly, and I responded politely.

“What is the mistress doing in the kitchen? You really shouldn’t be here, you know,” she commented,and I couldn’t discern if her words were meant to offend me or not. Nevertheless, I chose to shrug it offand replied calmly.

“Well, some of us still have work to do,” I stated, causing her smile to fade.

“I find it rather unfair. You should be resting and have maids at your beck and call. Alpha is beingunjust,” she remarked, and I realised she was attempting to instigate trouble. Not that she couldsucceed, but in her mind, she believed it was possible.

“Why don’t you take it up with him? I’d rather stay where I am, thank you,” I retorted, cutting her offbefore she could say more.

“The conversation is becoming uncomfortable, Shirley. Let’s not continue,” I asserted, and she fellsilent, getting the message. I hoped she would leave me alone, but she lingered in the kitchen,hovering around us.

“Tell me, Aliana, is Beta always so preoccupied or is he intentionally avoiding me? Since he escortedme home, I haven’t heard from him. I’m becoming anxious, you see. I don’t know if I offended him thatnight,” she confessed, sounding genuinely concerned. I could understand her turmoil. If Qusack hadsnubbed her, it would naturally unsettle her, especially if she was unaware of her wrongdoing.

“Why don’t you reach out to him?” I suggested, and she shook her head.

“A man should always make the first move,” she replied, her tone dripping with arrogance. Her reactionreminded me why we all felt uneasy around her during dinner. She exuded excessive pride in her ownallure.

“Well, Shirley, you might be waiting a long time,” I remarked, breaking away from the conversation.Picking up a baking pan, I placed it on the kitchen island. That was when I noticed Ania seemed slightlyannoyed, and I wondered what was bothering her.

“Are you alright?” I telepathically linked with Ania, and she nodded while continuing to sift the flour andcocoa powder into a mixing bowl.

I decided to let the matter go, as I knew Shirley had treated Ania poorly during dinner. I thought it wasonly natural for Ania not to want her presence around. “She’s finally gone,” I linked my friend, and shenodded in relief.

We took our time baking the chocolate cake, carefully preparing the frosting, and then moved on tomaking the coconut cream pie. Observing the assortment of desserts we were creating, I couldn’t helpbut speculate that Nikolas must be in the mood for something sweet. It brought a small smile to myface. “Where are you?” Nikolas’s voice echoed in my mind as we finished up in the kitchen.

“I’m in the kitchen,” I responded through our telepathic connection.

“You should be resting, Little Wolf. Don’t overexert yourself,” he admonished, and I struggled tosuppress a laugh.

“I need exercise, you know,” I reminded him, sensing an underlying unease in his words.

“Are you with your maids?” he inquired. It had been a while since he referred to Ania and Lisa asmaids, so I knew something was definitely amiss.

“Yes, I am,” I replied.

“I’m in the room. Kindly have them join you,” he ordered and I was perplexed by Nikolas’s unusual

As we wrapped up our kitchen activities, we decided to bring the desserts back to the room. Leavingthem unattended would invite others to help themselves, and after investing so much time and effortinto the preparations, we couldn’t risk that.

Entering the room, I was the first to step inside. We could all sense Nikolas’s sombre mood, and Aniaand Lisa seemed ready to retreat after setting the table. Placing the pie down, I gazed at Nikolas,whose face betrayed no emotion. Instantly, I knew something was wrong. Joining him on the couch, hemanaged to offer me a smile, but his gaze turned to Lisa.

“Ania, close the door, and both of you stay,” he commanded abruptly. We all felt a surge of fear, and itwasn’t for my own sake—I was terrified for Lisa. Nikolas scrutinised her intensely, causing tears to wellup in her eyes as she realised he was angry with her. Desperately, she looked at me, silently pleadingfor my intervention.

“Don’t drag Aliana into your mess, Lisa,” Nikolas snapped, his voice seething with anger.

“I want to know everything you’ve told your father about me and Aliana. I need to know every detail,” hedemanded, his tone unwavering. Lisa, now on her knees, wept and confessed.

“I don’t speak to my father, Alpha. He left my mother before I was born, and she refuses to have anycontact with him. I didn’t share anything about Aliana or you with anyone. I’m not a gossip,” shemanaged to say through her tears. I knew her words were true, as she had previously mentioned herfather’s abandonment and her distaste for Lycans.

Nikolas’s rage dissipated, replaced by a frown.

“Do you know where your father is?” he inquired, and she nodded.novelbin

“He’s here in Riverhead. After you took over Forest, he relocated from Timber to Riverhead in anattempt to reconnect with my mother. However, she has steadfastly rejected him. I have no relationshipwith him, Alpha,” she explained, her voice filled with honesty. Just then, several guards entered ourroom and proceeded to arrest Lisa. Tears streaming down her face, she glanced at Nikolas.

“She told you the truth,” I interjected, perplexed as to why he would continue to humiliate her in thismanner.

“I need to be sure,” he replied coldly, his resolve unyielding. It was clear that I wouldn’t be able to swayhis decision.

“Take her to Beta Qusack for questioning,” he ordered the guards, and they led Lisa away. Ania wasleft in tears, her eyes filled with worry, likely fearing that she could be next.

“Her father is a spy who worked against my father and is now working against me. I need to ensure sheisn’t feeding him information. I have too much at stake now,” he explained, his words final. I couldn’tbring myself to argue or plead Lisa’s case.

Ania was dismissed, and the atmosphere in the room grew heavy. Nikolas remained resolute, and Icouldn’t shake off the feeling of helplessness. An hour passed, and he decided to leave the room,seemingly unsettled by the silence. But I couldn’t pretend that everything was alright, knowing Lisa’splight.

“They’ve let me go, Aliana,” I heard Lisa’s voice resound in my mind thirty minutes after Nikolas left theroom, and relief washed over me.

“I am not allowed to go home until my father is captured,” she added. Deep down, I knew that

Nikolas was the one who instructed her to contact me with the update. I hoped, for both our sakes, thatnothing like this would happen again

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