Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 919 Reinforcements Arrived (Part One)
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Chapter 919 Reinforcements Arrived (Part One)

Rolando launched fierce attacks against the forces of Bright Dynasty stationed at the Dragon Passcontinuously for many days and nights that Shawn started to grow exhausted in dealing with them.Shawn decided to wait for them to get tired or run out of supplies, but it seemed like it would nothappen, as the morale of the soldiers from the Great Jade Kingdom were at an all-time high, mainlybecause their emperor was fighting alongside them.

"General, with the Great Jade Kingdom continuously attacking us, I'm afraid our surviving men will dieof exhaustion, not of war violence," the deputy general said with great anxiety.

Shawn couldn't be more aware of that. Furthermore, he had already tried to manage what he had: hedivided his soldiers into three teams and ordered them to fight on the battlefield alternately. But evenso, they still couldn't stand the violent attacks from Rolando's army. They were going to die if theattacks didn't stop.

"General! General! General!" one guard called out as he hurried upstairs. "The reinforcements arehere!"

"Reinforcements are here!" All of them breathed a collective sigh of relief. "How many soldiers came?"Shawn asked.

"Well—two..." the messenger replied gingerly. He was telling the truth, though—only two people came.And out of the two, one was a frail scholar, who seemed like he would fall unconscious out of the blueat any time. Such reinforcements were no use to them!

The tone of the deputy general turned from pleasant surprise to unmatched horror. "Wait, I might haveheard you wrong. Can you repeat what you just said? How many reinforcements came?"


"What? What the hell! How would two people help us?!" the deputy general bellowed. He massaged histemples in an attempt to calm his nerves down. "Is His Majesty crazy or what? Did he really send twopeople as our support? Doesn't he know that we are fighting against Emperor Rolando?"

"Who are they? Did you recognize any of them?" Shawn asked curiously. He was sure that his emperorknew that Dragon Pass was in great danger, so even though only two people came, he felt that theycouldn't not be underestimated. Somehow, somewhere deep inside him, he knew who the two mightbe. He, however, doubted it as his emperor would be heartbroken if any of them was killed.

"A man with a servant by his side. He didn't tell us who he was. He just asked me to give this note tothe general." The messenger promptly gave the note to Shawn.

Shawn opened it at once and read it carefully. Suddenly, a bemused smile appeared on his face. "Ididn't expect that he would really come. Now, we need not worry. With him around, we'll defend thisplace for at least half a month!"

"What? General, who came?" the deputy general asked in confusion.

"Prime Minister Zack Bu."

Surprise appeared on the deputy general's face and soon, his previously troubled visage outwardlybecame relieved. Zack was an equivalent of a thousand—if not more—soldiers, and his presencealone could up their morale at an all-time high. Shawn also revealed what was in the letter, saying:"General Maxwell will arrive soon with a hundred thousand soldiers. Zack is asking us to hold on for awhile, and he is still preparing the weapons that would repeal the enemies."

"Weapons that would repeal the enemies?" At this, the deputy general's eyes lit up, thinking that theweapons Zack was referring to must be something like the explosives Shawn used a while back. Hethen immediately barked an order, saying, "Jonny, lead a group of people and assist Prime MinisterZack at once."

"Yes, deputy general."

Benjamin Wu was now commanding the Great Jade Kingdom's army towards the city gates in anattempt to better organize their attacks against Bright Dynasty. His emperor was right—the number ofexplosives Shawn had was limited, and it seemed like he had already used all of them up as he hadn'tutilized it for the past few days. Now, what they needed to do was to successfully break into DragonPass before Shawn's reinforcements arrived.

"General, something seems to be happening on the other side of Dragon Pass," Benjamin Wu'scounsellor suddenly told him. "Do you think their reinforcement have already arrived?"

"That's impossible. I just got information from our spies that their reinforcements are still hundreds ofmiles away. We have already sent people to stop them. There is no way they'd be here this early."

"Is Prince Matthew back here, in Dragon Pass?" the counsellor deduced. He was a very cautious man,and Rolando appreciated that. Because of that, Rolando ordered him to stay with Benjamin Wu to lendhim his counsel as he was a keen observer and had the ability to perceive even the smallest change inthe battlefield.

"Again, that's impossible. If Matthew has already arrived, they would have opened the gates and foughtus. Hiding behind their gates like a coward isn't exactly Matthew's move," Benjamin Wu responded. Heclearly knew why his enemies were on the defense, stubbornly refusing to have a head-on fight againstthem: they wanted to buy more time for their reinforcements. Though he, too, noticed that the enemysoldiers seemed to be acting more confident abruptly, he believed that it was only because theythought their reinforcements were coming soon. He wasn't worried about that one bit, as he was surethat they were killed before those reinforcements could reach Dragon Pass.

"Let's wait and see. If there is an emergency, I suggest we withdraw the troops immediately," thecounsellor suggested.

Benjamin Wu didn't answer, as he was starting to get annoyed by the counsellor's abundance ofcaution. His army had just positioned themselves below the city gates, ready to bust in any time. Therewas no way he would withdraw the attacks they had planned a long time ago.

"Bring out the battering ram and attack the gates!" Benjamin ordered sternly. "Soldiers with armor andshields, make sure that the ones handling the ram are protected. We will conquer Dragon Pass today!"

"Yes, general!"

The soldiers protected the ram and went straight to the gate. On the tower of the city, arrows wereflying all over the sky in order to prevent the ram from approaching. However, with the soldiers coveringfor them, they could not stop the other soldiers holding the ram from moving forward.novelbin

The heavy stumps of the ram hit the city gate violently, making a loud noise. The tower suddenlybecame quiet, and then buckets of wet things were thrown down from the tower.

"What is it?" "Is it raining?"

"No, it seems to be... The wood oil!"

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