Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 918 Found The Secret Path (Part Two)
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Chapter 918 Found The Secret Path (Part Two)

"Yes, everything is ready. We will leave soon."

"You can rest assured. I will order people to pretend that you are still in the army to confuse theenemy," Wanda Murong added. Although she had a weak body, she had a sophisticated mind. Thatwas a blessing in disguise.

After dressing up to cover their true identities, Harper and Kile quietly left and headed for theirdestination. On the other side, Matthew was looking at the map and investigating the road he hadfound.

"Your Highness, we've been wandering around here for a long time. Wouldn't it be too late for us to goback to Dragon Pass?" Barry asked with a worried face. "Emperor Rolando has reached Dragon Pass.If we can't go back there, I'm afraid that Marquis Shawn will not be able to hold on."

"Don't worry. Felton is still there. He will take care of that," Matthew replied in a flat tone. He didn'tworry about Dragon Pass at all. He was now focusing on studying the very path. It was recorded that itled straight to Dragon Pass, but this fact was rarely known. Harper once read the record about this pathand shared this information with him. If he could find this secret path, it would be very beneficial to him.

"Mister Felton?" Barry repeated. On hearing this, he remembered Felton who was weak in body yetcunning in mind. Then he fell into silence. Yes, Felton was still at Dragon Pass. What was more, hetrusted that his emperor would never allow Dragon Pass to be controlled by Rolando. The emperorsurely had already sent people to support Dragon Pass. Even though Rolando led the army to attack inperson, it would not be an easy job to take over Dragon Pass.

"Send someone to search for this path again. We must find it!" Matthew immediately gave an order tohis men. If they found the very path, they could use this shortcut and arrive at Dragon Pass quickly.That way, they would strike Rolando off guard all of a sudden. Now, Matthew was very angry. He woulddo whatever he could to Rolando after what Rolando had done to him and Harper.

"Yes, Your Highness."

The secret guards continued to go deep into the mountains, searching for the legendary shortcut. Theyhad already searched for five or six days here, but still couldn't find any trace. They were afraid thatthey could not afford to waste time searching for that path anymore. Things might go worse.

"What's wrong with His Highness? Why does he have to find this path?" Jack asked in confusion. If itwere not for the fact that they were ordered to search for this path, they could have arrived at DragonPass long ago.

"He must have his own reason for this. We don't need to guess it. All we need to do is follow hisorders," Barry replied as he continued his search. This path should be very important. That was whyMatthew had worked so hard to find it.

Jack pressed his lips. "I'm so envious of Fred. It must be very fun to stay with Lady Harper."

"What? Fun?" When Barry heard his comments, the corners of his eyes twitched a bit. He didn't think itwas fun to follow Harper all the time. He had heard that the twelve secret guards had been tricked intothe Labyrinth Swamp by her once. Although everyone's strength had been improved since then, theyall looked frightened when speaking of what happened in the swamp as if they didn't want to go thereagain. It could be seen that it might be very fun to stay with Harper, but it sometimes meant riskingone's life to follow her.

At the moment, Jack was becoming bored and began to beat the weeds with a stick impatiently. "Ofcourse it's fun staying with her. There are always various interesting things happening around her, bothdangerous and exciting. That is just so... Ouch!"

Jack cried out miserably as he lagged behind. Hearing that, Barry turned his head but did not see anytrace of Jack. He couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. Could it be an enemy who was attackinghim? "Jack, Jack, where are you?"

It turned out that Jack accidentally slipped down and fell directly into the dense grass. He rolled downalong the slope for a long time until he finally stopped and felt dizzy.

"Barry, try to pull me up," Jack cried out as he rubbed his head with his hand. But after waiting for along time, he did not receive any response. He immediately grew alert and began to check hissurroundings. Then, he noticed that he had fallen into a strange valley. Both the two sides weremountains, except for a narrow and hidden path in the middle. The path was covered by weeds. As aresult, people rarely noticed it.

"Oh! This is it! This should be the path His Highness is searching for!" Jack murmured joyfully. He thenimmediately went back. After he pulled away the thick weeds, he saw Barry was looking for himeverywhere.

"Barry! I found it! I found the secret passage His Highness mentioned! Go inform him now!" shoutedJack with excitement.

At first, Barry had been worried about the safety of Jack. When he saw that Jack popped out fromnowhere with a dirty face and told him excitedly that he had found the shortcut mentioned by Matthew,he was both surprised and delighted. Then he immediately went back and reported the news toMatthew.

When Matthew came with his men, he noticed the path that had been covered in the grass. He finallyunderstood that no wonder they hadn't found it. If it hadn't been for Jack's reckless behavior, he wouldnever have thought that this path was a downward one even after they had searched the whole placethoroughly.

"Let's go down to explore the way," Matthew ordered at once.

"Yes, Your Highness."

They pulled apart the grass and went down one by one. Looking at the man-made path, they could nothelp but feel happy. It seemed that this was exactly the path they had been looking for.

All of a sudden, Matthew noticed a stone tablet by the roadside, and read the words carefully. After hefinished reading it, he was relieved. "This is indeed the path we are looking for. It's time for us to go toDragon Pass."

Hearing that, everybody heaved a sigh of relief. They then turned around and were about to climb up.However, when they were halfway through the climbing, Matthew asked,

"What are you doing?"

"We are going up so we can go to Dragon Pass," one of the secret guards answered in a careful tone.novelbin

"The path leading to Dragon Pass is here!" We should go along this way," Matthew said slowly, pointingto the winding path in the valley.

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