Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 884 Got The Blank Heavenly Book (Part Two)
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Chapter 884 Got The Blank Heavenly Book (Part Two)

"Your Highness, please tell the little beast to stop it, or else it'll destroy the book."novelbin

"It can play with the book if it likes. If Patrick ruins it, we can just roast and eat that little beast." Harperthen glared at Patrick. The creature trembled and the book in its claw almost fell onto the floor. Itcautiously looked at Harper. Then it put the book down and ran to a corner to draw circles, as if it wascomplaining its master was too scary and it was having a hard life.

Forsythia quickly took the Heavenly Book and put it in front of Harper. The princess opened it andstared at the blank part in a daze. She had already reached the key point of developing her spiritualpower, but the key part of the book was still gone. There must be a way to make the contents of the lastpart appear.

Subconsciously, Harper tapped her fingers on the table. It had been her habit if she was thinking quitedeeply. The three Heavenly Books were now in order, and another one was in the hands of Matthew.She had two of them, but the key contents were lost. Even if they got the Sacred Seal from the WonderKingdom, it would be useless. She still wouldn't be able to pass the trial in the Death Pool.

Forsythia didn't dare to interrupt Harper. She just silently stood behind her, waiting for her commands.Suddenly, an idea occurred to Harper. 'Would the later part appear when the three Heavenly Books areput together?' she thought.

She got excited and turned to look at Patrick which was still cursing its unscrupulous master in thecorner. Suddenly, it felt like the air had turned cold. As it turned around, it saw Harper smiling at itmaliciously. Patrick was so scared that it immediately leaned against the corner. It rolled its eyes andwondered what it had done to make her upset.

"You can get out of the Imperial Palace," Harper said while attentively looking at Patrick.

Patrick put on a vigilant expression on its face. It had to watch out whenever the heartless master hadcome up with some sort of an idea. But as soon as it was prepared for whatever was to come, it waseasily bought over by Harper with a bottle of pills.

"Go and find Matthew. Bring me the Heavenly Book in his hand. If you failed to bring it back, I'll performa small surgery to make you a female!" Harper then smiled, but to Patrick, it looked more like a smirk.

Hearing these words, Patrick hurriedly stood up with its legs. It stopped chewing the pill in its mouthand desperately nodded. For the sake of its genitalia, Patrick was determined to bring back theHeavenly Book. It didn't matter if it had to steal the book, and it had to take it back.

"Go ahead. I'll be waiting for some good news from you." Harper waved her hand to urge Patrick toleave. It jumped up to the window and disappeared right before Harper's eyes.

"Can Patrick do it, Your Highness?"

"Except for that little beast, can anyone of us go out?" Harper put the Heavenly Book back in the box.Instead of hiding it, she just casually put it on the dresser.

It was that time when Miguel came over so he saw what Harper did. He was taken back to whenRolando put the book in a closet. Back then, he thought that Rolando was being too casual in keepingit. But upon seeing how Harper did it, Miguel thought that she was even more casual in this aspect. Itwas the Heavenly Book that everyone wanted. It was not just a common book that could be foundeverywhere!

"Your Highness."

"I heard that you and Rolando attacked my husband last night." Harper interrogated Miguel, so thelatter held back what he wanted to say and cautiously answered,

"No, I didn't—"

"But from what I heard, you slapped my husband so hard that he spat out blood on the spot." Refusingto let it pass, Harper looked at Miguel. Although she didn't show any emotion on her face, he feltintimidated.

He was so stunned that he couldn't move for a while. "I was under a command. That's the only reasonwhy I did that. I didn't want to hurt him either."

"So, you admit that you hurt my husband?" Harper twisted her wrist while holding a silver needlebetween her fingers. It reflected a sharp light, causing Miguel to step back.

"Your Highness, please listen to me. His Highness got hurt, but it wasn't that serious. Besides, I'm hereto tell you something else." Miguel thought how much of a coward he was in front of Harper, but he hadno other option. Harper had very powerful martial arts skills and he was not a match for her. What wasmore, Rolando favored her very much. If she reported his misconduct to Rolando, the emperor wouldforget their friendship in front of his beloved Harper. Miguel was sure that Rolando wouldn't evenhesitate to deal with him when the time came.

"What is it?" Harper nonchalantly asked.

Miguel dragged a chair and sat down. "His Majesty has grounded Lady Lilian."

"What does it have to do with me?" Harper was still indifferent.

Miguel asked in surprise, "Aren't you friends with her? Isn't she a princess from your nation? How comeher trouble has nothing to do with you?"

Looking at Miguel, Harper calmly said, "Prime Minister Miguel, haven't you seen that I'm under housearrest, too? Not only that, but there are also a lot of guards outside. Do you think I can fly out of the

Harmony Palace to help her?"

"If you can talk with His Majesty about it, I'm sure he will be more lenient with her."

Upon hearing that, Harper sneered and then asked, "Be more lenient? Sorry but her business hasreally nothing to do with me!"

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