Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 644 Felix’s Colossal Fall (Part One)
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Chapter 644 Felix's Colossal Fall (Part One)

The emperor had been in a coma, and Felix made good use of the situation. He had establishedhimself as the autarch of the imperial court. But just one nightfall overturned everything for the empressand Felix. After the emperor woke up, the empress was put under house arrest and Felix was jailed.The proverb, "there's many a slip twixt the cup and lip", seemed very apt for their situation. Felix dreamtof being the emperor, but just in an instant, everything changed for him.

When Felix was escorted by the guards into the prison, Andy was there to take Francis out of theprison. The two princes met face to face. Felix, who had been in high status, was now disheveled andfrustrated. On the other hand, Francis remained unyielding and decent, even though he was put inprison. But now, he was a free man.

"Felix, I had warned you that you will get yourself into trouble if you do too many nasty things," Francissaid slowly, without even giving a glance at him. "Now do you agree with me?"

"Francis, don't you dare show off in front of me! I may go to prison now, but I'll leave eventually fromhere. The next time we meet, I won't let you be so presumptuous about me," Felix groaned as he wasfurious. He hated that he didn't kill Francis while he had the authority. Now, Francis even dared to be soarrogant in front of him! Felix felt humiliated, and was raging in anger.

As Francis heard his furious response, it was very clear for him that Felix would not change his mind orattitude. Shaking his head helplessly, Francis commented, "You are so stubborn."novelbin

"Prince Francis, it's time to get out of here. His Majesty is waiting for you," Andy said after he took aglance at Felix. He was sure that there wasn't any possibility for Felix to rise again. Attempting tomurder the emperor would be dealt with harshly, and no one, not even the crown prince, could escapefrom the punishment. Besides, the emperor had already drafted an imperial edict to dethrone Felix asthe crown prince.

"Okay, let's go," Francis answered. He stood straight and walked outwards. Felix turned his head andlooked at Francis, only to see him walking towards the sunlight. On the contrary, he was going into thedarkness, farther and farther away from the light. Felix was unwilling to give up and struggled, but wascontrolled by the guards. The guards then dragged him to the depth of the prison. The light becamedimmer and dimmer as he was taken forward, and finally, the light went out of his sight. Now, it was justpitch darkness surrounding him.

"Get inside the cell," the prison guard commanded and then threw Felix into the cell rudely. Therewasn't an iota of leniency for him from anyone since he made an attempt on the emperor's life. Felixhad lost all his glory as the crown prince he once enjoyed, and he would bite the dust in the darkdungeon. Whether the emperor would spare his life was a later story.

Because of his identity as a prince, Felix stayed in a separate cell. Although it was simple, it was stillclean. "Stay here and don't make trouble. Since the whip doesn't differentiate between a prince and acommoner, it may come after you. Remember that you are now just a prisoner, and not the prominentcrown prince," the guard scolded.

Felix glared at him with a fierce face. It made the guard feel a bit frightened and he stepped backwardin reflux. But soon, he remembered that the man in front of him was no longer the crown prince. Hethen whipped Felix and shouted, "You bastard! How dare you glare at me like that!"

"All right, all right. Let's leave now," another guard soothed as he stopped that angry guard from lashingat Felix. Even though Felix was no longer the crown prince and was just a prisoner, he was still the sonof the emperor. If the emperor didn't want to execute him and if he allowed him to continue his life as aprince, those guards wouldn't be able to resist him when he got discharged from the prison. Everyoneknew that Felix was a narrow-minded man and he would take revenge for sure if he was given anychance.

"Let me out! I'm the crown prince! Let me out now!" Felix rushed to the prison door and shouted. Theprison guard thought of going back in and whipping him once again, but when he thought about hiscompanion's words, he resisted and went straight away, pretending that he heard nothing.

Felix grabbed the prison door and screamed in horror. He still couldn't understand how he ended uplike this. The only thing he could remember was that he was just a heartbeat away from becoming theemperor, and then there would be thousands of people kowtowing to him and waiting for hiscommands. But, in the blink of an eye, he just ended up as a prisoner. He couldn't accept this hugedifference.

"Let me out! You assholes! Let me out!"

Hearing Felix's yell, the prison guard sneered and said, "Prince Felix, consider this as my favor as I amtelling you this. His Majesty has already issued the imperial edict stating that you have been dismissedas the crown prince. You'd better not consider yourself as the crown prince anymore. We still don'tknow whether you will make it out of this prison alive."

"Don't talk nonsense. After all, he is the emperor's son. Who knows, the emperor may let him outsomeday,"

another prison guard said as he twitched his mouth. If the guards weren't worried about the emperorletting Felix out someday, they would have thrashed Felix to their entire satisfaction. Back whenFrancis was sent here, he was quiet, cultivated, and treated the guards with modesty. But unlikeFrancis, Felix behaved arrogantly. He even looked down upon the guards and treated them as somelowlifes.

"Murder is a serious crime. Even if His Majesty somehow lets him out, he will just become a commonerand would never enjoy the privileges of a prince," the prison guard snorted coldly. "He can't stir up anytrouble for us."

"Well, you never know! It would be better not to pay attention to his rants. He is our prince anyway.Offending him might cost us seriously," another guard said.

After Francis reached the Imperial Palace, he went straight to the Tranquil Hall. Although the emperorhad woken up from the coma, he was still weak. That was partly because of his hypersexuality andpartly due to the effects of poison. Even though the empress poisoned him with a minimal dose, theemperor was still anxious when he learned about the truth. Being too concerned, he became weakerand weaker. His health was getting worse because of this mental agony.

"Greetings, Father. I hope you are doing better," Francis said as he knelt down.

"Get up," the emperor said as he gestured him to arise. He had heard that Francis acted like a lonewolf and he even confronted Felix, suspecting of the latter's involvement in his father's sickness. ButFrancis was just thrown into prison in return. The emperor had complicated feelings for him. "I heardyou suffered a lot these days," he sighed.

"I'm fine, Father. You are the one who went through all the hardships and you even look much thinnernow," Francis replied as he raised his head. Worries were written all across his face. "Take good careof yourself, Father. We all need you."

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