Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 643 I Want Felix To Succeed To The Throne (Part Two)
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Chapter 643 I Want Felix To Succeed To The Throne (Part Two)

At the thought of this, the emperor shivered with anger. However, the empress believed that he wasshivering and couldn't even pick up a brush pen only due to his ill health. The empress tried to assistthe emperor by dipping the brush in the ink and handing it over to him. The emperor looked at theempress and nodded, but accidentally, the scroll was stained by the ink. His hands shookuncontrollably.

"Somebody, go and fetch another empty scroll immediately," the empress ordered quickly, as she didn'twant to wait any longer.

The emperor said with great frustration, "I didn't expect my body to be so useless... I can't even hold abrush pen."

"Your Majesty, please don't worry. You are just sick. Soon, you'll recover and everything will be finethen." The empress comforted the emperor with a smile. The latter was willing to write the edict to giveup the throne, and this was something she and her son had been hoping for so long. She was morethan willing to forgive the emperor for behaving so uselessly.novelbin

"Gloria, you are so sweet," the emperor said affectionately. "It's said that when a man falls sick, he candifferentiate his foes from the ones who really care about him. Gloria, only you care about me and treatme well."

The empress smiled mildly, but she was overjoyed in her heart. The only reason she took care of theemperor in person was to pave the way for her son to ascend to the throne. Fortunately, the emperorwas very aware of his own health and was willing to hand over the throne to her son. Otherwise, shewould have already ordered people to kill him.

"Haven't Franklin and other officials arrived yet?" the emperor asked weakly as he lifted his eyelids andlooked around slowly. It seemed he might pass out at any time. The empress was worried about it, soshe tried to distract him by saying, "Almost! Almost! We have sent people to call them all. Franklin and

others will be here at any moment. It seems that Matthew and Harper would be late. They went to theHoly Chant Temple to pray for you, but haven't returned yet."

The emperor was outraged. He had always wanted Matthew to be out of his sight, but now, when heneeded him the most, he was absent!

A eunuch fetched a new blank scroll, and expecting that the emperor might stain it again, he even got afew more copies with him. Glancing at the eunuch who placed the scroll in his front, the emperorpretended to be composed, and then he slowly wrote. But just after he finished a few words, the scrollwas stained by ink once again as his hand shook. The emperor seemed to be a little annoyed at hisown carelessness and beat himself hard on the back of his hand.

"Your Majesty, it doesn't matter. You may change the scroll and rewrite once again." The empressreplaced the scroll with another blank one. She held the pen in his hand and said, "Your Majesty, don'tworry. We have enough time."

The emperor was taken aback. He was worried that his small trick might get exposed, but suddenly heheard the eunuch's announcement. "Grand Secretary Franklin, Prince Allen and General Maxwell arehere."

"Let them in," the emperor said coldly without putting down his pen.

As soon as the three of them came in, they immediately knelt down and kowtowed. "Long live, YourMajesties!"

"Arise," the emperor ordered. He then put down his pen quickly and said, "Maxwell, come here."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Maxwell stood up, walked to the emperor's side, and looked at the scroll on thesmall table. Then he looked at the empress standing beside, feeling a bit surprised. Slowly, his

attention turned to Felix, who looked elated. Maxwell finally looked at the emperor's face again andrealized that something was wrong.

"Maxwell, I order you to arrest the empress and Felix right now!"

the emperor suddenly roared. It took a while for Maxwell to react before he grabbed the empress. Theempress was quite shocked and didn't know what was happening. Seeing the events unfolding, Felixwas even more confused.

"Father, what are you doing?"

"Guards, arrest this unfilial son!" The emperor was furious. Then he shouted at Allen, "Allen, arrestFelix!"

Allen beckoned some guards to arrest Felix, who was paled with shock and fear. "Father, what did Ido? Why are you treating me like this?"

The emperor threw away the pen in his hand and got out of bed. He walked forward and kicked Felixon his body, who then fell onto the floor. The emperor yelled, "What did you do? Don't you know whatyou and this bitch have done to me?"

The empress and Felix denied resolutely, although both their hearts were pounding fast.

"Your Majesty, I am sorry, but may I ask what wrong did I commit?" the empress asked in a quiveringvoice.

"Father, I don't know what you're talking about. I have done nothing wrong."

"You don't know?" The emperor laughed so hard that he even choked and couldn't stop coughing. Andyhurried forward to support him. The emperor then said, "You two discussed letting me die of illness in

front of me and even poisoned my medicine. Have you both forgotten those things?"

The faces of both the empress and Felix turned deadly pale. They couldn't believe that the emperorhad overheard their schemes. "You... You were awake then!"

"Of course I was awake. If I was still in a coma, I would have already been dead by now!" The emperorslapped the empress hard. "You bitch! How dare you try to murder me! I'll cut you into pieces and feedyou to my dogs!"

"Father, mercy. I'm sorry. Please forgive me." Felix was frightened and begged for mercy. He and hismother plotted to murder the emperor, and their plot was overheard by none other than the emperorhimself. It meant that they would be convicted of an attempt to murder. Moments before, Felix wasabout to become the emperor, but now he was a prisoner. He couldn't believe such a cruel turn!

"Take him away and lock him in prison. Also, deprive his title as the crown prince!" the emperordeclared at once.

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