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Chapter 742

Chapter 742

Malcom said, “Even if you lose it, it doesn’t matter When the movie is broadcast, your reputation will

rise, and many businesses will seek you to endorse At that time, you can choose the one you like

Gwen was still upset, “This was my first endorsement It was supposed to be a new beginning for me.

Now it’s over just like that”

The trio comforted her for a while until her mood began to lift Only then did they stand up to head back

to the set

Malcom had a bunch of stuff to handle, so he took off, leaving the other three in the small courtyard

Gwen was down in the dumps Craig tried to cheer her up, but to no avail Finally, he said

straightforwardly, “Whatever money you would’ve made from this endorsement, I’ll make up for it That

should be enough, right?”

With her knees clutched to her chest, Gwen said despondently. “It’s not all about the money”

Estelle poured a glass of water for Gwen, “So what else is it about?”

Gwen said dejectedly. “I had a close friend once. We both dreamed of becoming actors, we both went

to Art Studios, J City In our second year. she starred in a blockbuster and became an overnight

sensation We grew apart as she became a star She even mocked me for my bad luck, saying Id never

make it big. When I took this endorsement, everyone in our circle knew about it. She bet with others

that the company would definitely back out To my surprise, it actually happened. I couldn’t hold onto the


She was just too choked up about it!

Craig immediately suggested, “Could she be the one pulling strings behind the scenes?”

Gwen sighed, “I really don’t know”

Her phone suddenly rang, she took a look and nervously said, “It’s my agent!”

Craig said. “Answer it quickly, maybe there’s some good news”

Gwen hastily answered the call, “Renal”

Rena, who managed several celebrities, particularly favored Gwen because she was in Mr Mayfield’s

movie She indeed looked into why the endorsement deal was terminated She asked directly, “Did you

piss someone off?”

Gwen was taken aback, ‘No, I didn’t offend anyone!”

Rena said, “I found out some news Someone stole your endorsement for half the price I think it was anovelbin

deliberate move against you!”

Gwen was dumbstruck and at a loss for words.

After a long pause, she asked, “Is it…?”

Rena said, “No, it wasn’t her. She’s overseas doing a photoshoot, she didn’t have the time”


After hanging up the phone, Gwen was still dazed

Craig asked, “What did your agent say?”

Gwen said, “Rena said someone is out to get me, and they stole my endorsement for half the price.”

Estelle looked thoughtful.

She stood up and said, “When one door closes, another opens. There might be better opportunities

waiting for you. Stop thinking about it and get

back to work”

Gwen nodded, “Yeah, maybe it wasn’t meant to be mine.”

They all went back to work and didn’t mention it again.

In the afternoon, it was all about Yvonne’s scenes. During a break, Yvonne was in the dressing room,

watching Estelle pick out clothes for her She smiled and said, “Estelle, is your birthday this Saturday?

Why didn’t you tell us earlier, we could’ve celebrated together”

Estelle calmly replied, “No need, I don’t really care about those things’

As Yvonne was applying lipstick in front of the mirror, she said with a smile, “Did Gwen run into some

issues? She seemed off in her performance this afternoon and got chewed out by Mr Mayfield That’s

just how he is, he’s all business, no favoritism”

Estelle said. “She’ll be fine tomorrow”

Yvonne turned her head and looked at Estelle meaningfully, “I really admire Gwen, she works hard and

has a natural talent for acting But she’s a bit clumsy and doesn’t understand that choosing the wrong

side in this business can make all her hard work go down the drain.”

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