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Chapter 550

Chapter 550

In Hannah’s office, Estelle knocked on the door again, “Director Carlin, can I get your signature now?”

Hannah didn’t even look up, “Can’t you see I’m busy?”

Estelle walked straight over and reached for the agreement, “Since Director Carlin is busy, I won’t both

er you then. I’ll give Mr. Gilder a call, ask if he can come over?”

Hannah looked up abruptly, narrowing her eyes, “You dare to use Mr. Gilder to pressure me?”

“No, I just don’t want to disturb Director Carlin’s work.” Estelle remained

calm, neither humble nor arrogant.

Hannah stared at her coldly. After a three–second silence, she reached out, “Give me the agreement!”

Estelle handed it over.


signed and said icily, “Don’t think I’m afraid of you. Even if you call Mr. Gilder, he won’t care about you!”

Estelle nodded, “Of course!”

After that, she took the signed agreement and turned to leave.

Hannah frowned, feeling as if she had punched cotton, inexplicably annoyed!

When Estelle returned to the reception, Inman was already a bit anxious, “What took you so long?”

Estelle didn’t explain, just handed Inman the signed agreement.

After the client took the agreement and design draft and left, Inman just asked Estelle to go back to wor


It wasn’t until it was almost lunchtime that Inman called Estelle to her office and asked, “Where’s the cl

othing design draft you gave me? I can’t find it!”

Estelle looked at the desk, “I put it here earlier. Has anyone been here?”

Inman shook her head, “No!”

Inman searched through the drawer and file folder, and finally found the clothing design under the

jewelry design materials, and she couldn’t help laughing,

“So it was under these files! Alright, off you go. I’ll look at it later and get to you.”

With a nod, Estelle turned to leave, but before

she reached the door, she heard Inman exclaim urgently, “Stop!”

When Estelle turned back, she saw Inman’s incredulous expression, looking up at her, “Did you draw th

is design?”

“Yes.” Estelle nodded nonchalantly.

Inman couldn’t believe it, “Tell me the truth, did you really design this?”

Estelle wanted to laugh, but she confirmed again, “Yes!”

Inman stood up, staring at Estelle with complicated eyes, “Impossible. It looks so professional!”

Estelle pursed her lips, not knowing how to explain.

“It’s really beautiful!” Inman looked at the hand–

drawn pictures on the design draft, her eyes were full of amazement. In her mind, she already had ima

ges of a slender woman wearing these clothes and had even thoughts on what jewelry to match with.

*Estelle, you’really

surprised me!” Inman looked at Estelle with astonishment and joy, “Really, even I might not be

able to make such a design. It’s amazing!”

Estelle smiled faintly, “I’m glad you like it!”novelbin

“Of course, I bet everybody would choose clothes like this!”

Inman made no effort to conceal her appreciation for Estelle, and she couldn’t help

laughing. “Turns out I picked up a gem!”

She grabbed Estelle’s hand, unable to hide her excitement, “You’re not a professional, but it shows you have talent. Follow me, and I’ll help you realize your potential.”

Estelle nodded, “Alright, I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation!”

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