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Chapter 442

Chapter 442

The next morning, Charlie went to visit Emily, not expecting Carson to already be in the hospital room,

with a large bouquet of flowers on the cabinet.

Emily was awake in the morning and was startled when she saw Charlie. Then she spoke hoarsely, “C


Charlie smiled, “How are you feeling?”

Carson stood up and said, “Emily is much better. Jonah and Estelle just came by.”

Charlie nodded slightly and put the flowers he brought in a vase. He smiled warmly at Emily and said, “

The doctor said that the wounds on your body are just superficial injuries, but because you lost too muc

h blood and had your stomach pumped, you need to rest for a few more days. I’ve already asked for a l

eave from your company, so you can focus on recovering and not worry about anything!”novelbin

Emily’s complexion remained pale, and her lips had lost their color. She weakly nodded in response to

Charlie’s words.

Gina graciously poured water for Carson and Charlie, expressing her gratitude. “Thank you for coming t

o see Emily. I was informed by the doctor that Mr. Dulle covered Emily’s

medical expenses and arranged for this VIP suite. It must have cost a fortune. I truly appreciate it!”

Charlie smiled warmly, replying, “It’s the least I can do. No need to thank me.”

Carson excused himself to take a phone call in the

living room, while Gina was summoned by the doctor to

retrieve some medication. Now, only Charlie and Emily remained in the room.

Charlie settled

himself beside the bed, a gentle smile playing on his lips as he began peeling an apple. “This is the first

time I’ve ever peeled an apple for someone else. You

have to finish it all later.”

Emily forced a smile, but her eyes were still dull and lifeless.

Charlie asked gently, “Is something bothering you?”

Emily shook her head.

“What’s wrong then?” Charlie asked patiently.

Emily’s weary countenance mirrored her emotional

turmoil as she choked back her words. “I feel as though they have utterly humiliated me.”

Upon awakening, her mother reassured her that she was safe and had not been subjected to any humil

iation. Yet, whenever Emily closed her eyes, repulsive images of those vile

faces and invasive hands plagued her thoughts. Disgust enveloped her, not only towards

those individuals but also towards herself.

Charlie looked at the tears caught in her eyelashes. His heart was a mix of pain and anger. His gaze de

epened as he asked, “Emily, do you hate me?”

Emily was shocked and immediately shook her head, tears rolling down her cheeks. “No, I’ve never hat

ed you!”

Seeing her cry, Charlie instinctively reached out to wipe her tears away. “Don’t cry.

Everything has passed, and I’ll be there for you

from now on, so nothing like this will ever happen again.”

Emily leaned her forehead against his chest, choking on her sobs. She tried to hold

back her tears, not making a sound.

Charlie’s steady, warm voice and embrace made her want to get closer and rely on him. It seemed that

in his arms, all the grievances and hatred became unimportant. She told herself to indulge just this onc

e, and only this once!

Charlie waited for her to calm down, handed her a tissue, and smiled warmly, “After crying, let everythin

g be in the past, alright? Don’t overthink anymore, because it wasn’t your fault in the first place!”

Emily reclined back, restraining herself from desiring anything that wasn’t rightfully hers. She used a tis

sue to wipe away her tears, nodding earnestly. “I understand. I will strive to


Charlie affectionately caressed the top of Emily’s head. “You’re such a good girl!”

Emily couldn’t help but feel a flutter of nervousness, lowering her head to continue drying her tears. Sh

e didn’t dare let Charlie perceive the inner turmoil in her eyes.

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