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Chapter 218

Chapter 218

Winnie on the bed was still struggling, her eyes filled with desperation and panic, showing no trace of p

retense, while Krus was already undressing himself. Estelle decided to take action after all. Apart from

her relationship with Jonathan, she was first and foremost a badass who knew how to fight! She grabbe

d the suit that the guy on the floor had taken off and threw it over his head, then without any hesitation,

she swung a punch at his neck.novelbin

The tall man’s figure wobbled a few times, then with a thud, he fell onto the bed

Winnie screamed and quickly

backed away. Astonished, she looked at the unconscious Krus, then immediately turned her eyes to Es


Winnie’s hair was disheveled, and her countenance displayed sheer terror, devoid of her usual grace and allure. Observing this, Estelle calmly retrieved Winnie’s clothing and gently draped them over her tre

mbling form.

In an instant, Winnie broke

down in tears, embracing Estelle tightly as if she had marrowly escaped death. Estelle’s body stiffened

momentarily, taken aback by the sudden outpouring of emotion. Awkwardly, she patted Winnie’s hand,

attempting to provide solace. It’s alright now, there’s no need to cry, she offered, trying her best to cons

ole Winnie.

Winnie couldn’t stop sobbing, choking out, “I thought I could handle it, but I can’t. When he touched me,

my whole body was trembling!”

“Estelle, I can’t take it, I really can’t!”

Estelle frowned and said, “You can refuse Baldrick’s excessive demands!”

Winnie didnt answer, just continued to cry, locking very sad and desperate.

After a long while, Winnie gradually calmed down, got dressed, wiped the tears off her face, and asked

Estelle, “How did you end up here?”

Estelle was very surprised, “Didn’t you send me a message asking me to come?”

Winnie shook her head, puzzled. “No, I didn’t send you a message.”

“Where’s your phone?” Estelle asked

Winnie replied, “Baldrick took it!”

In that moment, Estelle understood that this was indeed a plot, but a plat orchestrated by Baldrick alon


He had deliberately lured her here, to witness Winnie being mistreated. If she did something to Krus, h

e certainly wouldn’t let her go, thus implicating Jonathan. If she were a weak girl who got mistreated by

Krus as well, Jonathan wouldn’t let it go either.

As long as she entered this room, no matter what the outcome, Baldrick’s goal would be achieved.

No wonder all the servants were gone when she walked in, all dismissed by Baldrick,

Winnie still didn’t understand, asking, “What’s going on?”

Estelle looked towards the door, sneering. “You’ll find out soon enough!”

Sure enough, just as she finished speaking. Baldrick appeared at the door, a smug expression on his fa

ce as he looked at Estelle and said, “You’re a smart girl, no, wonder Jonathan is so fond of you. Howev

er, you learned too late. I’ll wake up Krus soon, and then you can go tell Jonathan that he can hit the ro


“You’re the one who should hit the road!” Estelle raised her eyebrows, leapt into action, did a somersa

ult, and kicked Baldrick directly in the temple.

He didn’t even have time to see how Estelle got close to him, his head aching and he collapsed on the


Millard appeared at the door with a serious expression, asking, “Did you run into trouble?”

Estelle smiled and said, “Not too bad, not too bad!‘

Winnie, pale–faced, slowly walked over and asked, “What do we do now?”

Estelle flashed a mischievous grin. “Let’s give them a surprise!”

Ten minutes later, following Estelle’s directions, Millard stripped Baldrick and Krus of their clothes, leavi

ng them completely naked, and deposited them onto Baldrick’s bed. They even covered the entwined p

air with a blanket before making their exit.

The two men now lay intertwined on the bed, their heads peeking out from beneath the blanket, forehe

ads touching, noses almost touching. They appeared surprisingly friendly in that peculiar position.

After completing all of this, he walked out the

door where Estelle and Winnie were waiting. He said, “Ms. Macclain, I’ve done everything you’ve asked

.” “Thank you!” Estelle replied sincerely

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