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Chapter 217

Chapter 217

Winnie’s complexion turned slightly pale as she nodded and ascended the stairs with a sluggish gait. W

ith each step, her movements appeared burdened by a heavy weight.

As her figure disappeared around the corner of the staircase, Baldrick turned his attention to Krus and


earnestly. “Winnie is someone very dear to me. I am extremely protective of her, and I don’t even like ot

hers gazing at her for too long. However, today I entrust her to you. Take good care of her, for her sake”

Krus leaned back in his chair, although he still appeared to be drunk, he was no longer as dazed as be

fore. He locked indifferent and calm, and said, “Something has happened in Germany, so Mr. Schilder

decided to

shorten his trip to C Country. The contract is already being considered, and as long as I put in a few go

od words for you, he will agree soon.”

Baldrick stood up and poured another cup of wine for Krus, put his hand on the back of the chair, and le

aned in with an intelligent look in his eyes. He whispered with a smile, “Our Anderson family can cooper

ate with the Merck family

alone. We have the strength to do it. If you can get Schilder to agree to sign a contract with me alone, you can go upstairs now!”

Krus thought for a moment and said, “I’ve been working for your will all along, I think it shouldn’t be a bi

g problem.” He looked up and smiled.

“I believe you can do it” Baldrick stood up, smiling ingratiatingly, “Miss Winnie is already waiting for you

in the room, enjoy yourse!!!”

“Thank you, Mr. Anderson, for your generosity!”

Krus spoke gentlemanly before turning around and walking upstairs.

Baldrick watched Krus’s back, sneered, feeling like he was going to be successful, then he left the villa

Estelle and Jonathan received a message from Winnie onnovelbin

their way back to the manor asking her to come by around 2 pm.

She looked at the time, and it was already 2 pm.

Estelle asked Winnie what’s going on, but Winnie didn’t reply

They arrived at the manor at 2.15 pm. Jonathan had some business, and Estelle decided to go see Win

nie first and then send the earrings to Mrs. Macy

Jonathan casually asked, “What did she want with you?”

“I dont know, I asked her, but she didn’t reply. I’ll go see her”

Jonathan nodded and said, ‘I’ll have Millard go with you!

Estelle nodded and took Millard to find Winnie.

When they arrived at Baldrick’s villa, Estelle asked Millard to wait outside, and she went in alone

There was no one in the living room on the first floor, even the maid seemed to have disappeared Estel

le was confused and called Winnie, but there was no answer even after a long time.

Suddenly, Estelle heard some noise upstairs. Walking up the stairs, she immediately rushed in when sh

e heard Winnie’s scream:

“Please don’t touch me!‘

“Get away, get off!”

Estelle was shocked when she saw the scene inside the room.

In the room, Winnie was being pressed down onto the bed by a tall man, her clothes had been torn off,

and she was struggling desperately, trying to escape time and time again, but she kept being dragged

back and thrown onto the bed by the man

And that man who was forcing her was Schilder’s butler, Krus.

At this moment, Estelle was very calm. She was wondering if this was

a ploy by Winnie and Baldrick, letting Winnie get her over here to see Winnieforcefully bearing the sexu

al harrassment from Krus. If she rashly stopped them, the man would definitely be angry and hold a gru

dge, which might directly affect Jonathan and Schilder’s cooperation.

With Baldrick’s character, this kind of thing is not impossible!

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