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Chapter 2133

"Alright," Sophia's face lit up with a smile as she leaned slightly towards Robin.

Downstairs, Jason sat in his car, waiting a good ten minutes for Robin to come down. When therewas still no sign of him, he started the engine and drove off.

A heavy stone seemed to press on his heart, lodged tight against his chest, making it hard tobreathe.

Tendrils of pain threaded through the depths of his soul, an indescribable ache.

Love, for him, was like a thorn-riddled vine burrowing into his flesh. The deeper the love, the deeperthe thorns sank, and the more he hurt.

Sometimes he wished that Robin loved Sophia just as fiercely, that he'd whisk her away inmarriage, and Jason could tell himself there was no need to guard her anymore. Leaving J Citywould mean his complete release.

Sophia woke after only an hour of sleep, delighted to find Robin still there.

But Robin's phone wouldn't stop ringing, and he sounded increasingly agitated with every call.

Sitting up against the headboard, Sophia said, "Go on, Robin, you seem busy. I'm feeling muchbetter after the medicine."

Robin turned with a smile, "It's no trouble, today's the weekend anyway."

"Really, you should go. I'm not in pain anymore." Sophia forced a light-hearted laugh, "Even myvoice sounds better, doesn't it?"

Robin hesitated, "Alright, I'll head back to the office for a bit. I'll be back soon, call me if you feelsick, okay?"

Sophia nodded with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm not a child."

After he left, she remembered Jason.

He always teased her, saying she was like a kid who never grew up.novelbin

After today's awkwardness, she wondered if he'd left angry.

"Well, I'm off," Robin leaned over to peck her cheek, "I'll bring your favorite dish tonight."

"Mhm," Sophia nodded obediently.

Once Robin was gone, Sophia lay back down, her head still spinning, her throat sore. She reachedfor the glass of water on the nightstand, only to find it was cold.

Drinking half a glass seemed to soothe her throat a little.

She considered calling Jason, her finger hovering over his name on her phone, unsure of what tosay.

Apologize, or say thanks?

He probably didn't care. If she spoke up, she'd seem pretentious, and he might just scold her again.

In the end, she didn't make the call. With a throbbing headache, she had no choice but to lie downand try to sleep again.

At a mental institution in J City.

Magdalen parked outside and made her way through the yard, filled with a mix of tragic and absurdfigures.

These people lived in worlds of their own, unreachable by the average person.

Of course, when someone couldn't fit in with either world, it was a tragedy.

Like Antonia.

Magdalen entered Ward D and was immediately hit by a rancid stench as she walked down thecorridor.

Those living here had no quality of life left to speak of.

At the very end, someone was screaming. Nurses rushed past with a cart and syringes towards thenoise.

Magdalen stood at the door, peering through the glass to see Antonia being held down on the bedby several nurses.

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