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Chapter 2131

Jason was worried that Sophia wouldn't have an appetite, so he went all out and whipped up fourdifferent dishes, shrimp with broccoli, ketchup with scrambled eggs, a mixed garden salad, andscrambled eggs with tomatoes. They all looked delicious.

"Start with the salad if your stomach's upset," Jason said, serving her some food.

Sophia took a bite of the cucumber, its crispness a refreshing pleasure. She looked up with a smile,"Your cooking gets better by the day. I wonder which lucky girl will end up marrying you."

Jason shot her a look, "When you're with Robin, who cooks?"

Sophia frowned, "We usually eat out. He can't cook. At home, it's either takeout or sandwich. So, Ineed to learn from you. I want to be able to cook for him someday."

Jason regretted asking. The girl he'd cherished was talking about cooking for another man, and itmade his blood boil, try as he might to suppress it.

He ate in silence, his face a mask of composure.

Sophia was lost in thought and didn't notice Jason's mood.

She wasn't feeling well, but the food was too good to resist, so she managed to finish a bowl of ricedespite her lack of appetite.

After the meal, Jason insisted on doing the dishes and urged Sophia to go lie down and rest.

Sophia had broken out in a sweat while sleeping, and felt sticky after eating. She grabbed a freshnightgown and headed for the shower.

Jason was halfway through the dishes when he heard a thud from the bedroom. His face drained ofcolor, he dropped everything, and sprinted toward the sound.

Thankfully, the bathroom door wasn't locked. Jason burst in and froze in shock.

The shower was still running, and Sophia lay on the floor, bare as the day she was born. Sheblushed when she saw him, and she quickly grabbed a towel to cover herself.

Jason turned his back to her, asking in a low voice, "Can you get up by yourself?"

Sophia was weak and dizzy, clutching the towel with one hand and trying to push herself up againstthe wall with the other.

She made a small move to rise, but dizziness sent her tumbling back down.

Jason couldn't concern himself with propriety any longer. He strode over, turned off the shower,scooped her into his arms, and headed out of the bathroom.

She was covered with a towel, but underneath, she wore nothing at all.

Jason tried to avoid touching certain areas, but the heat of her skin was impossible to ignore forboth of them.

Mortified, Sophia closed her eyes and remained silent.

This was the most embarrassingly public moment of her life.

Just as they exited the bathroom, someone approached. "Sophia, look what I—"

Robin's words cut off as he took in the sight before him. Sophia was barely covered by a towel,clearly naked underneath.

The room fell silent as the three met eyes.

"You guys—" Robin's face contorted, and the fruits and desserts he was carrying dropped to thefloor.

"Robin, what are you doing here?" Sophia's eyes widened in shock.

Robin's voice was tinged with anger, "If I hadn't come, I wouldn't have known you were doing thisbehind my back!"

"It's not what it looks like!" Sophia struggled to get down.

Jason remained calm, holding Sophia without letting go. He walked her to the bed, laid her down,and pulled up the covers. Then he turned to Robin, "Let's talk outside."novelbin

Robin scoffed, "What's left to talk about?"

"Robin," Sophia tried to get out of bed.

Jason looked back and snapped, "Get back in bed!"

Stunned, Sophia did as she was told.

Jason's gaze was indifferent as he addressed Robin, "She's sick. Let her rest. We'll talk outside."

Robin's face was tight with tension. He gave Sophia a cold glance before turning to follow Jason outthe door.

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