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Chapter 2015

Jonathan meticulously folded the flour and finely ground nuts into a smooth batter, carefully spooning it

into the baking pan before sliding it into the oven.

Clad in a crisp black shirt, his muscular forearms on display, his long fingers deftly maneuvered with a

precision that was mesmerizing to watch.

Estelle stood by, finding every angle of him utterly captivating.

In the calm before the storm, she allowed herself a moment of sheer relaxation, her mind fixated solely

on the man intent on baking her a cake.

Once the chocolate sauce was ready, Jonathan dipped his finger in it and brought it to Estelle's lips

with an indulgent gaze, “A little taste test for my sweet tooth.”

Estelle opened her mouth, her lips wrapping around his finger, savoring it like a lollipop.

Patiently, Jonathan waited until she released his finger, his eyes dark with intensity as he asked, “How's

the flavor?”

Before she could respond, he leaned in, eager for his own taste.

Generously, Estelle shared the rich taste of chocolate with him.

As the oven timer dinged, Estelle nudged him, “The cake's ready!”

Jonathan rose slightly, resting his forehead against hers to catch his breath, his voice husky, “Tonight, Inovelbin

want to keep indulging you.”

Estelle’s cheeks flushed crimson, her body going soft, “Go check on it, will you?”

Taking a deep breath, Jonathan stood up to retrieve the cake.

After letting the cake cool a bit, he lavishly spread cream in the middle, Estelle softly suggesting,

“Maybe add a bit more?”

He pecked her cheek in response, “Wasn’t it sweet enough just now?”

She gazed at him, silent.

Jonathan chuckled and indulged her, adding another layer of cream before drizzling more chocolate


The finished cake looked irresistible, and Estelle could hardly wait to dive in.

Back in the dining room, the help had arranged fresh flowers and candlesticks.

The main lights were dimmed, leaving only the romantic glow of the candles.

The moon had risen, bright and seemingly within reach atop the estate's trees.

The moonlight mingled with the candlelight, creating a soft, clear, and passionate atmosphere.

Jonathan poured Estelle a glass of wine, setting it beside her, his voice low and serious, “The past few

years without you, picking out your birthday gifts kept me up at night. But when I realized I couldn’t give

them to you in person, that emptiness was the most consuming feeling.”

He knelt on one knee, his eyes locked onto Estelle’s, “Make a wish that you’ll never leave me again.”

Her eyes, reflecting the flicker of flames, sparkled like water, and she nodded gently, “Jonathan, I’ll

always love you.”

Joy sparkled in Estelle's eyes as she eyed the ring playfully arching a brow.

“What is it?” Jonathan asked. New ch?pter av?ilable o? Draмаnоvеls.cоm

She took the ring, smiling, “It’s beautiful, but you stole my line!”

Jonathan blinked, “What do you mean?”

His eyes gleamed, a mixture of surprise and delight, as he asked, “You were going to propose to me?”

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