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Chapter 1986

"Sorry to bother you," Raiden said coolly, before he spun on his heel and led his team away from the


Huff was waiting outside for him. "Did you pick up any leads from Alvis, Mr. Raiden?"

Raiden's face was a mask of frustration. "Do you really believe, Mr. Huff, that Alvis came to Zion for the

so-called new energy project?"

Huff's expression remained unreadable. "Not sure, it's hard to say!"

With a piercing gaze, Raiden challenged him, "Where were you, Mr. Huff, when the 49th floor went up

in flames?"

"I sent people as soon as the alarm went off," Huff replied evenly. "The security breach was

unfortunate, and I will have to explain it to the Dragon Sphere."

Before Raiden could respond, his phone rang. The moment he glanced at the caller ID, his expression

darkened, and he answered, "Boss!"

Triceratops's voice was laced with shock and anger. "I just heard the news. The 49th floor was


Raiden shot Huff a meaningful look and confirmed grimly, "It was."

Knowing that all the research was destroyed in an instant, Triceratops's anger bubbled over, and his

voice was strained with fury. "Did you catch whoever did it?"

"No," Raiden replied, with his brow furrowed.

"With all the years of effort and manpower we invested into that lab, it was all blown up and you didn't

catch a single culprit!" Triceratops exploded. "Raiden, you're getting more incompetent by the day!"

They were on the cusp of achieving a breakthrough with their virus research, which would have netted

them a fortune. Now, all that effort had gone to waste.

"I'll get to the bottom of this," Raiden said with a menacing edge to his voice.

"You'd better!" Triceratops barked. "It was supposed to spread to Country C. Start by vetting every

person from there in Zion; no one is above suspicion!"

Raiden's voice was icy. "Rest assured, I won't let anyone off the hook."

After ending the call, Raiden strode out. "What about that Rella? Any updates?"

Huff nodded. "We've checked it. Lambert claimed she was with him all night."

"Who was the first to enter the lab?"

Huff hesitated, andd then said, "Winston!"

Ten minutes later

Winston stood shivering in Raiden's office, with panic written all over his face. "It wasn't me, I swear,

Mr. Raiden! You have to believe me; I would never betray you!"

Raiden leaned back in his chair, with his eyes half-closed, as if he was pondering deeply.

Winston blurted out, "They said there were two people who blew up the lab, and one of them was a

woman. Could it be that Rella, the one who hung around Lambert?"novelbin

Raiden opened his eyes, a cold light flickering within them. "Lambert's covering for her, and without

evidence, we can't touch her."

"How did she get to the 49th floor? Don't tell me the elevator cameras didn't catch her?" Winston asked


"No," Raiden affirmed. "Someone saw her enter through a window on the 49th floor!"

Winston's eyes bulged. "Impossible! How could she climb that high?"

"All the cameras showed nothing," Raiden continued.

"This is too strange!" Winston frowned.

The 49th floor was accessible only by Raiden's and Winston's fingerprints.

A chill ran down Winston's spine, and his face drained of color. "I don't know. It wasn't me!" New

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Raiden sneered. "I know it wasn't you. You won’t have the guts to kill 116 of my men."

Winston's face reddened, caught between anger, shame, and the relief that Raiden didn't suspect him.

But he couldn't dare speak of it in front of Raiden. He denied firmly, "No, nothing out of the ordinary."

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