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Chapter 1985

Lambert let out a scornful snort, "Rella, not to burst your bubble, but claiming your love is better than

me—that's just your opinion!"

"No, it's a very objective fact," Estelle replied, her voice steady.

"Let's not get into that right now. Have you thought about what I just—"

"There's nothing to consider!" Estelle cut him off once again, speaking in a cool tone, "Stop kidding


With that, Estelle walked past him and headed upstairs.

"Rella," Lambert's gaze followed her intently, "I can give you everything, and that's no empty promise."

Estelle glanced back, "But I already have everything I need!"

In acknowledgment of the shrine and how he had stood up for her today, she wouldn't belittle his

feelings and responded sincerely, "I'm truly sorry, but I can't return your affection. I hope you findnovelbin

someone who can genuinely love you back."

Lambert looked up, "I think I already have."

"Take it as a figment of your imagination," Estelle said with a slight smile, then turned and left.

Lambert exhaled, wondering if Estelle was just playing hard to get. Did she really have a boyfriend?

If so, why would her boyfriend allow her to come to Citadel alone?

He was determined to make her stay.

He was confident that he could make her want to remain by his side willingly.

As soon as she closed her room door, Estelle's annoyed expression emerged. Jonathan had asked her

if Lambert had a thing for her, hadn't he?

She had vehemently denied it!

Did men really have a masochistic streak?

She hadn't ever treated Lambert kindly!

But she decided to let it slide today. She was in too good a mood to bother with him.

Estelle grabbed her clothes and, with a relaxed expression, prepared to take a shower.

Over at the villa, Raiden and his team rushed over in a flurry. Sylvia was arranging flowers in the living

room and stood up, startled, "Mr. Raiden, is there something wrong?"

Raiden's expression was stern, "Where's Mr. Alvis?"

"Looking for me?" came a voice as Jonathan descended the stairs, his tall frame exuding an intangible


"Have you been here the whole time?" Raiden asked.

"Why do you ask?" Jonathan queried.

With the aircraft downed, what evidence could there be? New chаpter av?ilable on Drаmа?оvеls.cоm

Raiden frowned and after a moment said, "Perhaps my men were mistaken."

Raiden's face darkened, "My apologies."

Jonathan's tone was icy, "You've said that twice now, Mr. Raiden. I don't expect there to be a third


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