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Chapter 1934

Lambert suddenly looked up. "Alvis?"

"Yes!" his subordinate said with a stern face, "The moment Alvis arrived, he took over Citadel City. His

firepower is intense. I heard he's already taken down several of Triceratops' armed forces!"

Lambert realized in a flash why Raiden had left in such a hurry—it was because of Alvis!

Frowning slightly, he was puzzled. "Have there been any recent conflicts between Triceratops and


His subordinate shook his head, "None!"

"I see. Keep an eye on both Raiden and Alvis. I want to be informed immediately of any

developments," Lambert instructed.

"Yes, Mr. Brennan," the subordinate replied respectfully before leaving.

Evelyn, who had been listening in, was confused. "Who's Alvis?"

Lambert gave Evelyn a quick rundown of the current situation in Tripe.

"Now, there are three main players in Tripe. There's Gab, holding down the fort in the northwest at

Silver Valley, Triceratops in control of Citadel City, and then there's Alvis. The president of that

Federation is just a figurehead. The real power behind the throne is Alvis. In the past few years, under

the pressure from Gab, Triceratops had been on the decline. However, with Raiden's rise to power,

Triceratops had regained strength and even started to take over Gab's territory. They had clashed

several times. Alvis usually stayed out of their affairs because the ederation is rich with oil and has top-

notch equipment—no one dared to provoke him. But Triceratops' new energy research was set to

compete with Alvis in the capital markets. They needed a power that wasn't afraid of Alvis, and that

power could only be the Brennan family. That's why Raiden had approached me.”

Could it be that Alvis knew about their potential collaboration and that's why he was attacking so


If that was the case, Raiden could be in big trouble!

Lambert sneered to himself. He no longer cared about a partnership with Raiden; he preferred to see

the situation descend into chaos!

Evelyn, still not fully grasping the complexity, remarked, "That sounds pretty complicated!"

"That's why this isn't the place for you. Your boyfriend did me a favor, so I'll return the favor. Once

you've convinced him, I'll get you both out of here," Lambert said.

Evelyn had always thought Lambert was just a rich playboy coming to Zion for fun. It was only when

she saw his guards storming into Zion that she realized this seemingly carefree Mr. Brennan might be

much more than he appeared.

Raiden spent the night trying to contact Alvis for a talk, but there was no response from Alvis' end.

Instead, Triceratops gave Raiden an earful over the phone, demanding to know what he had done to

anger the Federation so much!

He demanded that his man Huff take charge of Zion's defense; Raiden was no longer allowed to act


This was also a punishment for Raiden's incompetence.

Raiden said nothing, temporarily handing over Zion's defense to Huff.

Huff entered, took his secret orders, and left without a word.

He had been sent to Zion just ten days ago, and because he was personally appointed by Triceratops,

Raiden had immediately given him the position of chief steward.

It sounded impressive, but it was really just a nominal role, managing some of Zion's trivial matters

without any real power.

Huff had no complaints and dutifully carried out his responsibilities, never once complaining to


Winston came in, set down a cup of tea for Raiden, and asked, "Do you think the boss is just looking

for an excuse to divide your power by bringing in Huff?"

Raiden's face, hidden beneath a mask, was filled with a dark expression as he replied in a calm tone,

"Let them do as they please! I'll do whatever he says. Zion is as secure as a fortress. No one inside

can cause any trouble!"novelbin

And that included the heir of the Brennan family!

Winston nodded. "I've looked into Rella's situation. A pharmacist named Lynn tampered with the

potency of the drug. That's why Rella woke up."

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