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Chapter 1850

Gabrielle's heart raced, her mind swiftly conjuring up the quintessential bridesmaid and groomsman

love story.

The bouquet toss had slipped from her thoughts; all she saw were Manley's mesmerizing eyes, which

seemed to dance with a mischievous fire.

The bouquet soared high without competition, and amidst a chorus of shrieks, it landed gracefully in

Estelle's hands.

The crowd swarmed around her, their cheers and whoops encircling Estelle in a cocoon of joy.

The photographer's shutter clicked, capturing Estelle's gentle smile as she gazed down at the bouquet.

Cradling the flowers, Estelle felt an unfamiliar warmth bloom within her. She sought out the man she

wanted to see, but the sea of faces was overwhelming.

Magdalen turned and hurried over to Estelle, her voice bubbling with excitement. "There you go, you

caught the bouquet! You'll be the next one walking down the aisle!"

Estelle's lips curled into a soft smile. "I sure hope so!"

"I saw Jonathan over there," Magdalen beamed. "You don't have to hang around with me, go find him!"

Estelle's eyes shimmered with emotion. "Let Sophia keep you company for a bit, I'll come back soon!"

"Yeah," Magdalen hugged her tight. "Ella, I'm so happy!"

Estelle patted her back affectionately. "So am I!"

Nearby, the photographer snapped a picture of Magdalen and Estelle locked in an embrace, the sunset

casting a golden glow over the flower-strewn garden – the two of them a radiant tableau frozen in time.

Meanwhile, Gabrielle's cheeks flushed with a bashful pink as Manley struck up a conversation, hernovelbin

eyes sparkling with mock annoyance. "Have we met? That's some pretty clichéd flirting, you know."

"Yeah, it's pretty cheesy," Manley admitted with a casual smile. "But I just remembered where I've seen

you before!"

Gabrielle stood on her tiptoes, feigning cuteness. "Oh? And where might that be?"

"At the wedding ceremony. You were a bridesmaid, weren't you?" Manley exclaimed.

Gabrielle's smile faltered, stuck on the fact that his 'recollection' was of a moment just hours prior. Did

she really leave such an insignificant impression?

She forced a laugh. "Come on, you're kidding, right? We were all in the chapel, of course, we've met!"

"Sorry, I wasn't paying much attention earlier," Manley said with a devil-may-care grin. "I tend to

overlook the less appealing sights."

Her face turned a deeper shade of red, a mix of anger and embarrassment flashing in her eyes as she

glared at him. "What are you trying to say? Why are you even talking to me?"

"Just wanted to thank you for making Estelle look so good next to you! And," Manley's eyes narrowed

with a chilling aloofness, "keep your distance from her. Don't let your plainness rub off on her, not even

a little bit."

Gabrielle, accustomed to a life of privilege, had never been so belittled. She was livid.

But Manley simply turned and walked away, his disdain clear in his departing silhouette.

The garden was bustling, so Estelle made her way to a quieter spot, walking past a gazebo and away

from the heart of the festivities. The solitude was refreshing.

The bouquet in her hand was vibrant, symbolizing protection and love, and for the first time, Estelle

found the language of flowers truly moving.

She wandered along the castle's walls, taken by the view, when suddenly a tall figure emerged from

behind a blossoming tree. Estelle paused, and their gazes locked, an instant tenderness softening her


The man she had been longing for stood before her, and Estelle, clutching the bouquet, forgot to move,

her eyes fixed on him.

Had it really only been ten days since they last saw each other? Why did it feel like an eternity?

Jonathan looked back at her, his deep eyes as vast as the ocean. Then, with purposeful strides, he

closed the distance between them, wrapping her up in his strong arms.

Estelle's empty heart filled to the brim in a heartbeat, her cheek pressing against the comforting warmth

of his chest as she clung to his shoulders.

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