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Chapter 1797

Chapter 1797

Jonathan and Charlie both turned to Morrison, "What do you have, Mr.


Morrison paused for a moment before coolly saying, “I'm throwing the party soon!"

His words left the three men momentarily speechless.

Soon after, they smoothly shifted the conversation.

In the backyard, Magdalen was having a blast playing with Kya. Estelle sat on the steps nearby with a

plate of pastries, feeding the fish in the pond as she munched away.

Magdalen turned to them, “I'm trying on my bridal makeup tomorrow morning. You guys interested in

coming to see?"

Estelle replied, “Emily has to work, but I can make it. I've got nothing planned for tomorrow morning."

The movie set was nearing the end of production and things were starting to wind down for her.

"Great!" Magdalen responded, "I'll be waiting for you."

Emily added, "Take some pictures for me. I want a sneak peek of Magdalen as the bride!"

"No problem!" Estelle chuckled, "I'll try my best to make Magdalen look good in the photos."

Magdalen raised an eyebrow, “I'm naturally pretty. Do you really need to try hard?"

Estelle shrugged, “I won't then. You can risk it if you want"

Remembering Estelle's questionable photography skills, Magdalen sighed, “Alright, alright. Please do

your best!"

Emily guffawed at the exchange.

The feast was laid out in a pavilion by the creek. The air was filled with the aroma of wine and the

atmosphere was relaxed and lively. Charlie poured everyone a glass of wine, expressing his gratitude

for their care for Emily.

The Fairview Hotel had its own homemade plum wine. Estelle had tried it before and the familiar scent

made her mouth water.

However, just as she reached for her glass, Jonathan took it away.

Remembering she had stopped using contraceptives recently, Estelle refrained from drinking.

Charlie looked over at them and gave Jonathan a knowing smile.

Unaffected by Charlie's teasing, Jonathan casually replaced Estelle’s glass with juice.

It was a small, subtle gesture, but it didn't dampen the cheerful mood. The laughter and chatter

continued until the moon was high in the sky.

Kya had fallen asleep. Charlie held her in one arm and held Emily's hand with the other, walking out

with steady steps.

Emily suddenly thought of something; she looked back at Estelle.

Across the distance, Estelle gave her a gentle smile. Her eyes were soft and calm under the moonlight.

Perhaps because of Jonathan's presence, her typically icy demeanor had softened.

Emily, slightly tipsy, had a playful grin on her face. It was just like when they first met at the dessert


Time had been kind, allowing them to meet, to know each other, and even after all these years, they

could still share a smile with just a glance.

The next morning, Estelle drove to Magdalen’s private styling studio for her bridal makeup.

Upon arrival, a staff member led her to the third-floor makeup room. Two dressers were busy working

on Magdalen, while others prepared the wedding dresses nearby.

“Ella!” Magdalen waved to greet Estelle.

Estelle responded and took a seat on the nearby sofa.

A staff member brought her some juice and pastries, and asked if Estelle would like a treatment while

she waited. Magdalen's bridal makeup would likely take two to three hours.

"No, thank you,” Estelle politely declined with a smile.

After the staff member left, a stylist approached her, "You must be Ms. King, right? I really love your

fashion and jewelry designs. Seriously, I have sketches of all your work in my collection."

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