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Chapter 1768

Chapter 1768

Estelle walked Charlie to the door, and as they reached the exit, she spoke up in a soft voice, "Charlie,

it was me who asked Jonathan not to tell you about Kya's background. Don't blame him."

Charlie, remembering Jonathan's teasing remarks, couldn't help but snort lightly. "I don't blame him. I

just feel like punching him."

Estelle's eyes widened in surprise.

“Just kidding.” Charlie laughed warmly. "For your sake, I forgive him."

Estelle pursed her lips, "Thank you, Charlie."

“Do me a favor and talk to Emily, will you?" Charlie asked earnestly.

“I will?

Charlie gave a slight nod and turned to leave.

Once Charlie had left, Estelle went to knock on the bedroom door, "Emily, it's me, Estelle."

Soon, Emily opened the door. The room was dim, and Emily looked a little lost. “Estelle, I don't know

how to face him."

Estelle said, "You love Charlie, and he likes you. This sudden revelation might not be a bad thing"

Emily looked down, "So much has happened today. My head is a mess. I can't think straight."

She looked up at Estelle, her eyes filled with unease. “Will Charlie take Kya away from me?"

Estelle took her by the wrist and led her to the living room. “Listen to me,’ she said softly. "Charlie

already knows about Kya. He likes her so much and he won't let her go. So, Emily, you don't have any

other option but to accept Charlie."

Emily sat on the couch, her knees pulled up to her chest, "Mrs. James probably knows about Kya now.

So, it's not just me Charlie has to face"

Charlie drove back to the James residence. His feelings for Kya and his heartache for Emily were all

jumbled up in his mind, leaving him with a whirlwind of emotions.

He remembered how he had planned to help Kya find her father, only to discover that he was the mannovelbin

who had wronged Emily.

He chuckled at the irony.

Perhaps he should have investigated earlier. Unveiling the truth from the past could have saved him

and Emily a lot of trouble.

He cared too much and that's why he had been afraid to dig deeper.

Emily needed time to cool down, and he would give her that. He was certain that as long as Kya was

with him, Emily wouldn't go far.

He would make up to her for all the hardships she had endured.

Upon reaching the James residence and entering the living room, he found his parents entertaining

Kya. His usually stern-faced father was even singing nursery rhymes to her.

His mother was clapping and feeding Kya.

Kya, sitting on her newly bought hobbyhorse, was all smiles.

Charlie's heart warmed at the sight, and he went over to greet her, "Kya."

Upon seeing him, Kya immediately dismounted her toy horse and ran toward him.

Charlie bent down to pick her up, asking gently, “Are you having fun?"

"Yes." Kya nodded, “But I miss my mommy. Can I go home now?"

Charlie hesitated slightly, "Your mommy has some things to take care of. How about you stay here with

me for today?"

Kya pouted, "But where's Mommy?"

Mrs. James walked over, smiling at Kya with affection, "There are new toys upstairs. How about you

play with them? And then we can come back down to find your daddy."

Kya obediently nodded and was carried upstairs by Mrs. James.

Mr. James stood up and gave Charlie a penetrating look, “Come to the study with me"

Charlie followed him into the study.

Seated on the mahogany chair, Mr. James asked in a serious tone, "Tell me what's going on, Charlie."

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