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Chapter 1635

Chapter 1635

Waters’s intention was indeed to remove Emily from Charlie’s side and at the same time, eliminating its

formidable competitor, Horizon Enterprises.

In her plan, even if Charlie discovered the truth, he would keep it under wraps. Because if everything

was revealed, the collaboration between the James Group and Starlight Corporation, and even all

partnerships with the Griffith Group, would be terminated.

The most likely scenario would be to push Emily out to take the blame; two wrongs don’t make a right!

She was betting on whether Charlie valued the cooperation with the Griffith Group more, or if Emily

was more important to him?

In the end, Charlie chose Emily!

Charlie stood up, 1 believe everyone is clear about this whole situation. It’s a terrible bidding scandal.

Of course, we have some problems within our company, and we are partly responsible for it, Mr. Gavinnovelbin

will notify you later about the bidding process going forward. That’s all for today’s meeting!” After

finishing his words, Charlie left first.

The representatives looked at each other in shock, not expecting the situation to take such a turn,

However, the truth was finally come to light, and two competitors had been removed. The

representatives from the other companies felt a sense of relief, mixed with a bit of schadenfreude, as

they considered Water Earwood’s actions.

Waters was shaking with anger. Her face tense as she stepped the elevator, and walked briskly.

Suddenly, Magdalen and Estelle approached from the opposite direction. Magdalen was carrying a pile

of gift boxes and she threw them in front of Waters, “Take these trash with you. Even if was a show,

you could’ve buy something expensive. It’s ridiculous to call this bribe”

Waters glared at her, “Magdalen, what’s it to do with you?”

“Emily is my friend, and I’m her daughter’s godmother. Do you think it make sense? Magdalen stood

her ground, “Don’t think that after staying in J City for a few years, you can strut around. J City is not

your territory!”

Waters glared at Magdalen with gritted teeth, “We’ll see!”

“Look at you, your nose up in the air like an antenna waiting to be struck by lightning”” Magdalen

cursed directly at her, “Even if your father comes here from Y City, he can’t do anything to me! As for

Charlie, don’t even think about it. Do you think he’d like a conniving and scheming woman like you?

He’s not that silly?”

Waters’s head buzzed, and she almost fainted from anger!

Estelle’s gaze turned cold, “If you dare to scheme against Emily again, I will send you straight back to Y


Magdalen raised an eyebrow and sneered, “Ella means she will make you flee like a bereaved dog!”

Waters shivered and quickly moved away from the two of them, biting her lip and leaving.

Mr. Larry, who was following Waters, also wanted to run away. However, he was stopped by Estelle,

“Take your trash with you. Don’t trouble the cleaning


Mr. Larry didn’t dare to say anything. He picked up the boxes Magdalen had thrown on the ground and

hurriedly left. Magdalen watched Waters’s back and sneered disdainfully, “How shameless to use such

despicable methods!”

Estelle said calmly. “Now that the problem is solved, let’s go.”

Magdalen asked. “Shall we go up and say hello to Emily?”

“She’s working We shouldn’t disturb her.” Estelle turned and walked away.

“Where are we going? Magdalen ran over and took her arm.

“Back to the set! Estelle said.

“No! Stay and spend the afternoon with me!” Magdalen whined, switching from an elegant and cold

lady to a sweet and clingy girl in an instant, without any transition or awkwardness.

However, Estelle remained unmoved, rejecting her advice, “It’s impossible!”

“There’s a new dessert shop on Moon Street and it serves amazing Tiramisu. I promise you’ve never

tasted anything like it!” Magdalen tempted.

Estelle raised an eyebrow slightly, saying, “Jonathan has already bought me some.”

Magdalen was left speechless.

She had lost even her last resort!

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