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Chapter 1596

Chapter 1596

Charlie mulled it over before gently suggesting, “I own an electronics factory in Wye District. They’re in

need of a cook in the cafeteria. Would you be interested?” “Absolutely!” Shawn nodded eagerly.

“The pay won’t be less than what you were earning as a chef in the hotel, but it’s a bit further out of

town. We provide employee accommodation, you could live there,” Charlie explained.

“That’s fantastic!” Shawn expressed his gratitude, “Thank you so much, Mr. James.”

“When can you start?”


“Alright then, get ready. I’ll have my driver call you tomorrow morning to take you there. He’ll help you

settle in. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me!” Shawn was so grateful he didn’t know what to

say, “Thank you so much!”

Charlie smiled lightly. “Don’t mention it!”

Shawn rubbed his hands together. He hesitated, and then said, “There’s something else I need to ask

of you, Mr. James.”

“Go on.”

“Could you keep this job between us? Don’t tell Emily. She wouldn’t have wanted me to ask you for

help. If she finds out you helped me get this job, she definitely won’t let me take it,” Shawn said


Charlie nodded, “Alright, I won’t tell her.”

“Mr. James, you’re a godsend to our family. I’ll always remember your kindness. About that $1,000 I

borrowed from you, once I save up enough, I’ll be sure to pay you back.”

“No need, Emily already paid me back,” Charlie said. “Despite her anger towards you, Emily still loves

you at heart. She cherishes the memories of your kindness when she was a child. I hope you don’t

disappoint her again. It’s never too late to turn over a new leaf.

Shawn’s eyes welled up. He quickly lowered his head, “I know.”

He rubbed his eyes hard, “Ill leave you be now. I should head back.”

Charlie asked, “How did you get here? I can have my driver take you home.”

“No need.” Shawn waved his hands, “I make it back myself. I’ll take my leave now

With that, he gave Charlie a respectful nod before hurrying off.

Charlie watched Shawn’s retreating figure before turning to head back into the building

Kent was waiting in the lobby. Seeing Charlie, he immediately stood and greeted, “Mr. James!” novelbin

Charlie told Kent about Shawn, finally instructing. “Tell Bard to take good care of Shawn. Don’t assign

him too much work. Pay him as a head chef, and ensure his accommodation is comfortable. Try to

meet his needs as much as possible”

Kent assured him, “Rest assured, I’ll take care of it. Plus, since you personally arranged this, Bard will

definitely take extra care of Shawn, even without you saying”

Charlie nodded, and then he turned to head towards the elevator

Upon reaching the thirty-ninth floor, he instinctively locked towards Emily. She was engrossed in her

work, her brows peaceful, her nose high and pointed, her expression serious

He gazed at her a moment longer before heading to his office.

Just before clocking out, Emily brought a few documents to Charlie’s office for him to sign.

Charlie’s demeanor was as usual. He took the documents, signed them, and asked casualty, “Any

issues with the tender project?”

“Not at the moment, Emily replied

Charlie paused, looking up at her, his gaze deep, “What about other areas? Any problems you can’t


Emily was taken aback, the shook her head, “No.”

“Emily” Charlie looked at her intently, “when you face problems, don’t retreat or hide Tell me and I can

help solve them. Do you understand?”

Emily’s heart fluttered a bit, not understanding why he was saying this all of a sudden She pressed her

lips together and didn’t respond.

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