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Chapter 1041

Chapter 1041

She didn’t hesitate and raised her leg to kick the door, but Craig yanked her back. She didn’t see it

coming. Stumbled back and her kick only had about 20% of its intended force. The door shook violently

but didn’t budge.

Craig didn’t mean to, but he just couldn’t hold on anymore.

Estelle was jerked back by him, losing her breath for a moment and inhaling a lungful of smoke. Her

head started buzzing instantly, and she couldn’t control her breathing. She knew she was in a pickle

and tried to kick the door again, but it was too late. The inhaled smoke, whatever it was, was numbing

her senses quickly. She felt like she’d been shot with an anesthetic, her mind fuzzy and her body weak.

She kept trying to kick the door, but it wouldn’t budge.

Outside, Estelle’s first kick had everyone holding their breath in shock..

Mr. Kress frowned at Gwen, “What the hell are you up to?”

Gwen had all the waitresses leave the room, leaving just her, Mr: Kress, and Clarice.

Under the dim light, Gwen smiled, not her usual innocent and gentle smile but something more sinister,

“Haven’t you always wanted Estelle, Mr. Kress? Well, she’s all yours tonight!”

Mr. Kress‘ eyes flickered, “How did you get her to cooperate?”

Gwen smirked at Clarice, “Thanks to Lily’s help.”

The black room was originally used to punish people who lost games, with mechanisms on all four

walls that could spray pepper water and mustard smoke. Clarice knew a manager at Blue Oasis and

had easily replaced the mustard smoke with something else.

Clarice grinned, “I did you a huge favor, think of it as compensation for the $30,000 you lost before.

Worth it?”

Mr. Kress was still a little worried, “Nothing’s gonna go wrong, right?”

He liked Estelle, sure, but he didn’t want to get in any trouble because of her.

“Don’t worry, it’s just the three of us. Who’s gonna squeal? And when Estelle wakes up, she’s certainly

not gonna spill the beans!” Gwen raised an eyebrow at Mr. Kress, “You’re not getting cold feet, are


Mr. Kress smirked, “You’ve gone through all this trouble, wouldn’t it be a waste if I chickened out?“,

Gwen chuckled, “As long as you get the picture.”

Mr. Kress looked at the silent room, growing impatient, “When can I go in?”

“Hold your horses, give it five more minutes!” Gwen laughed.”

Clarice checked the time, thought it was about right, had someone turn on the ventilation for the blacknovelbin

room to clear out the smoke, then said to Mr. Kress, “Alright, you can go in now!”

Gwen handed Mr. Kress a prepared phone and hinted, “Make sure you take lots of pictures!”

Mr. Kress took the phone, got Gwen’s hint and smirked wickedly before heading for the black room.

Gwen took a deep breath, today, she was finally going to get rid of that thom in her side!!

Why was Estelle liked by Jonathan? Why did she have such a selfless friend like Xavier Flemmings?

Why were those directors so nice to her?

And that idiot Craig, humiliating her time after time for Estelle!

In the past, whenever she asked Estelle for contact info of people like Carson, Estelle always dodged

the question and made up excuses.

Estelle was definitely worried that she’d find a rich boyfriend too. Then Estelle wouldn’t feel superior in

front of her anymore.

So it wasn’t her who betrayed Estelle, Estelle never really considered her a friend in the first place.

But starting today, Estelle would have nothing.

She might not even be able to stay in J City anymore.

At the thought of that, Gwen was bursting with excitement and could hardly keep her hands and feet

from trembling.

“Should we bounce?” asked Clarice.

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