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Chapter 20

Chapter Twenty Alpha BlakeIt was finally time to head over to Ryley’s. Last night and this morning dragged. I was excited butnervous about spending time with her. What if she doesn’t like me? “Wow! When did our d*ck fall off?” Gunner exclaimed. “Really?” I retorted. “Dude, you aren’t ten years old. Besides, she likes Aspen, and we raised him.” I didn’t get torespond to my wolf. My phone chimed in my packet. Pulling it out, I had a text from Ryley. I almostexpected her to say she had changed her mind about me coming with her. Ryley: Do you have a cooler? I blew out the breath I was holding in. Me: I’m sure there’s one around here. I’ll find one and be right there. Ryley: Thank you. No rush. The boys are here, keeping me company. Grabbing my bag, I headed down to the kitchen to find a cooler. I internally groaned as I walked into find Gwen. I still haven’t spoken to her about what she said to Ryley. Watching the video, Ryleyhandled the situation. “Alpha Blake,” she purred when she saw me. “Gwen,” I nodded. 0.00% 11:52 Chapter Twenty “Pierre, I need a cooler,” I asked, turning my attention to an omega working in the kitchen. “Alpha, what size are you looking for?” He asked me. “I’m not sure,” I told him. “I’ll grab a few different sizes. I’ll be right back, Alpha.” He said before leaving the kitchen. I pulledout my phone to text Ryley. Me: What size?

“So, Alpha, where are you off to?” Gwen stepped close, grabbing my bicep. “I’ll be gone this weekend with Aspen. Beta Luca is running the pack,” I told her. “Oh, would you like some company?” She purred, running her fingers up and down my bicep. Shewas playing with her lips as she looked up at me. “Does she think she’s being se*y?” Gunner snorted. When her fingertips brushed against my bare forearm, the h**d-on I’ve been sporting the last fewdays, deflated like a balloon. “Gwen, I already told you, we are not going to happen. I don’t want to be hurtful but you need toback off.” I told her firmly. She pulled away as I had just slapped her. She gasped her hand over her cleavage. She looksshocked, even though this conversation isn’t new. “This is because of her, isn’t it?” She spat. “No, Gwen. This is about you and what you said about my mate and 17.00% 11:52 Chapter Twenty son. Aspen was in the dining room and recorded the entire confrontation.” I told her and shegasped. 123 arh “Then you know that bi*ch threatened me!” She cried out, playing the victim. “She defended my late mate and my son. Something my pack member should have done. She wasyour Luna and he is your future alpha. But yet the lone wolf was defending them against you!” Igrowled, my anger bubbling to the surface. Gwen began to cry, loudly. Pierre walked back into thekitchen carrying a stack of coolers. “Am I interrupting?” He asked, looking uncomfortably between Gwen and me. He placed the coolerson the floor. novelbin

“No.” Looking over the coolers, I grabbed the medium-sized one. Placing my bag on top, I picked it up. Ithanked Pierre before leaving. I didn’t care that I left Gwen crying. She shouldn’t have been speaking ill of my mate and son. And itpi**ed me off more that she was playing the victim. I marched to Ryley’s. I was now in a sour mood, all because Gwen can’ t respect boundaries. Shejust can’t take no for an answer. And it’s not like I’ve led her on. I canceled our date when I caughtsight of how she was treating Aspen. She didn’t see me watching her, and she showed her truecolors. After that, I didn’t trust any woman with Aspen. When I came upon Ryley laughing with Aspen, my heart swelled. And then my stomach twistedpainfully with guilt. “No one can replace our mate, Blake. But Aspen deserves to have a family. He deserves to have afather who is happy. And the pack deserves a Luna.” Gunner told me.36.61% 11:52 294 Voucher “Maybe so, but it doesn’t make this casier,” I said and he whimpered. “Dad,” Aspen called out. I was standing further up the driveway watching them. “What’s so funny?” I asked as I approached them. “Aspen just told me a joke,” Ryley chuckled. “Turns out women like a funny man,” Aspen grinned. “When did you become a man?” Channing chuckled, walking down from the porch. “Oh, so funny,” Aspen mocked, and I hid my smirk at their banter “Here, let’s get your bag and cooler packed. Thanks for finding one.” Ryley said, opening up theback of her SUV. “Thanks and no problem,” I placed my bag and cooler beside her bag in the back. I had brushedagainst her when I stepped forward to place the items in the back. I turned to look at her and herface was scrunched up in disgust. I should have changed my shirt. I know she can smell Gwen.

“Why did you need a cooler?” I asked her, and it pulled her from her thoughts. “Well, I’d like to eat over the weekend. We need to go grocery shopping before we leave the city.”She said, before closing the back hatch. “Mom, here’s the list,” Channing said, handing her a piece of paper. “Alright, now both of you will behave for Beta Luca. I mean it.” She told both of them with a firmvoice. 61.77% 11:52 Chapter Twenty 11 208 Vouchers “Yes, Mom,” Channing sighed. “Yes, Channing’s mom,” Aspen sighed. She gave them both a hug before holding out her keys tome. “You can drive us to the grocery store and I’ll drive to the cabin.” “Be good,” I told Aspen, gripping his shoulder. “Yes, sir.” “Channing, keep this one in line,” I told him. “I’ll try, sir,” he snickered. “Bye, boys. We’ll see you tomorrow. And Channing text me when you are home tonight andtomorrow before you leave. Love you.” Ryley said, before climbing into the passenger side of herSUV. “Love you too,” they both said in unison. I shook my head as I climbed in behind the wheel. Ryleywas already buckled and waving at the boys. After I started the vehicle she rolled down her windowand was blowing them both kisses. “Ready?” “Yep. I think so,” she said before I turned out of the driveway. “Have you had lunch?” I asked her as I made my way to a shopping area.

“Not yet,” she answered, looking out her window. “Let’s get lunch and then we can grocery shop,” I told her. She looked over at me. I was stopped ata red light. “Sounds good.” 82.17% 11:52 hoty Twmay One Chapter Twenty-One RyleyMy tummy grumbled at the thought of food. I was starving. I gave Channing one of my cards so heand Aspen could get what they wanted. I didn’t have time to go grocery shopping. And I trustChanning not to overspend. Blake pulled up to a small brick building. The parking lot was empty, which I found odd. The onlysign on the outside of the building was a sign to the right of the door. ‘Under the full moon’. I didn’tknow what his place was. “I know was you are thinking but I swear it’s worth it,” Blake said. “Oh, so you’re not bringing me here to kill me and dump my body in the mountains?” I looked overat him. “What?” he stammered, looking confused. “Oh, that’s convincing. I feel so much better,” I teased. “You’re joking?” He breathed out and I tapped my nose, twice, smirking. “I know I could take you,” I shrugged, hopping out of my SUV. I could hear him chuckling as I closedthe door. Blake exited the SUV and we met at the front of the vehicle. “Just so you know, I’d rather kidnap you.” He leaned in and whispered, causing goosebumps tocover my body. I fought back the urge to shiver. Lily was purring in my head. What the hell is wrongwith me? I shouldn’t be getting excited about the idea of Blake kidnapping me. 0.00% 11:52

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