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Chapter 19

Chapter Nineteen RyleyWhat the hell was I thinking saying yes to Mr. Blake driving up with me instead of staying with theboys? This is going to be a nightmare. After saying okay, I went back to my office and buried myselfin my work. There was no backing out now. Now, I was going to have to spend the long weekendwith the alpha. I didn’t see Mr. Blake for the rest of the day. I did email him the list of CFOs I wanted to see. Therewas only one I was concerned with as of right now but I figured I’d make them all sweat over theweekend. I printed out the recent finances so I would have copies of everything. I’ 11 know ifanything was changed for the upcoming meeting. People usually get nervous when they are aboutto get caught in a lie. And I know the news has spread about me finding the person who wasstealing from the pack. With work done for the day, I’m at home packing a pack for tomorrow. Channing still isn’t home. Hetexted me earlier about going out with the guys to grab something to eat. So, I’m on my own tonight. “You could order in a hot alpha?” Lily purred. “Will you stop? Blake and I are friends. A man and a woman can be friends without having a sexualrelationship.” I scolded her. “But you want one. And since we are leaving at the end of the summer, you should get him out ofyour system” she retorted. “Channing and Aspen will still be friends even after we go home. They are already planning theirvisits. Blake is off-limits. And besides he’s 0.00% 11:52 Chapter Nineteen 288 Vouchers an alpha,” I sighed. “So, that’s what’s holding you back? His position in the pack?” She asked. novelbin

“Maybe,” I blew out. “So, if he was anything but an alpha, you would be jumping his bones?” “I don’t know,” I whispered. “The last alpha I let in almost broke me completely. And now I have Channing to worry about. Iwon’t risk him.” I told her. “Ryley, we are a Luna wolf. We are made to be with an alpha. To run a pack by his side as hisequal. I know this isn’t something you want to hear but it’s the truth. Only an alpha will be able tohandle us.” She sighed before retreating, leaving me to think over her words. I sat down on theedge of my bed. I felt guilty for denying Lily a mate but she wasn’t with me the first time. I already had Channingwhen I turned eighteen and I gained my wolf. Lily can see my memories but she didn’t have to livethrough the pain of having her mate try to kill her. He was there that night I went over the cliff intothe river. He was there to kill me. He may not have known I was his mate but I thought he loved me.He told me so. I gave him everything and it was all a lie. But now with Channing, I can’t risk his father finding him. My birthright may be to be a Luna but Ican’t risk Channing’s life. If my mate was ever to find me, I know he would kill me. I’m the only onealive who knows what his pack can do. What they did. “F*ck,” I growled out to my empty room. 30.30% 11:52 Chapter Nineteen Taking a deep breath, I finished packing. I only needed clothes as I made sure everything, besidesfood, was stocked the last time we were there. Walter doesn’t use the cabin much now that his kidsare grown. And his kids are too busy. Or maybe it isn’t fancy enough for then. His three boys are older than me and they have always disliked me. They believed I was using theirfather for financial gain. Little did they know, all the financial aid Walter ever gave me, has been paidback with interest. He was light when I was trapped in the darkness with no way out. But to them,I’m just a freeloader.

I placed my bag by the front door before heading into the kitchen to grab something to eat fordinner. Not that there was much left. Between Channing and Aspen, one of them was alwayseating. I swear Blake must be starving his son. Looking through the cabinet, I found a box ofcra**ers. And then I found some cheese in the fridge. “Cheese and crac**rs it is,” I announced to the empty kitchen. I’ve lived on less. I made up a plateand grabbed a soda before heading back up to my room. I would read as I waited for Channing toget home. Entering my room, I heard my phone chime on the nightstand. I expected it to be Channing but itwas Blake. I sat down on the edge of my bed, placing my plate and soda down before picking upmy phone. Blake: What time do you want to leave tomorrow? Should we take your vehicle or mine? Me: I was thinking of leaving around noon. I still have some work to do in the office. Does Aspenhave a vehicle? Channing’s car is not built for the roads up to the cabin. Blake: The boys can drive my truck and we can take yours. Me: Great. Have a good night. 59.16% 11:52 Chapter Nineteen 238 Blake: You too. I grumbled as I placed my phone down and shoved a cra**er with cheese into my mouth. I can’tbelieve I agreed to do this. The morning came fast and even the morning flew by. Now I was packing my bags into my SUV. Mystomach twisted with nerves. Two hours with Blake, what could go wrong?

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