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Chapter 292

Chapter 292

Jerome and | get Daniel into the house with relatively little. trouble, though Daniel’s loud humming of the Gilligan’s Island themesong

has me looking anxiously up the stairs. The absolute last thing | want right now is Natalia coming out of her bedroom to scold mefor getting her baby boy drunk.

“Come on, Danny,” Jerome whispers as we work our way up the stairs, the nickname making me burst into a ridiculous smile.“Help us out a little, here,”

But Daniel patently refuses, dragging his feet and making us work for every step. I’m panting a little when we get to the top of thestairs, which makes Jerome raise a critical eyebrow at me. “A little out of shape, Fay?”

“Hey,” | return, glaring at him. “You didn’t have to do it in heels.”

Jerome laughs a little and starts towards Daniel’s bedroom. | go with him but he stops and shakes his head at me. “I got it fromhere,” he says, giving me a small smile.

“Are you sure?” | ask, unlooping Daniel’s arm from my shoulder.“Yeah,” Jerome says, turning his head to look at his boyfriend.Chapter 292

“Trust me. I’ve got it.”


And so | watch them go, a little jealousy curling in my belly at the intimacy between them. It just seems so simple, in this moment— how good they are for each other, even though their situation is impossible. How well they just...fit. Despite the impossibleodds.

And suddenly, as | turn into my own room and press the door shut behind me, | want a drink. Very badly.

Because while everyone else spent the evening enjoying their wine, and then getting obliterated at the bar so they didn’t have tofeel their emotions —

| spent my night watching Natalia’s every move and then babysitting Daniel.So now? It’s my turn.And | know precisely where I’m going.

Smiling a little, and feeling a little dangerous, | bend down to quickly peel off my shoes, tossing them on my bed before headingdirectly for the wardrobe.

| regret that move, a little bit, by the time | get up the stone steps to the door which leads to Kent’s room — mostly because myfeet are freezing. | hop from one to the other as | hesitate outside his room, suddenly wondering if this was a good idea. | mean,should | have texted first to check and see if he was free, or even

Chapter 292 awake?


What if he’s not even there? Or — |gasp a little as | realize thaterhightnet be atone Y fhe content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

What if — what if Natalia is in thtrying to sedycehiiik CBe-content isof An.n éko.com! Read the latestchapter there!

Oh my god, what if she succeeded and | walk into...

Dying, suddenly desperate to know, |novelbin

press as lightly as Oeich gwingsiofeh e barest crack

on silent hinges. The content is on

NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

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