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Chapter 291

Chapter 291

“Fay, he dated Fiona for years,” Daniel insists. “She was practically family. She was like “his voice breaks a little here, taking myheart with it, “she was like a mom to me. And then poof,” He snaps his fingers in the air to emphasize his point. “Gone.”

“Daniel,” | sigh. “Fiona was...my cousin. She was betraying your dad, reporting back to mine. Telling him Kent's secrets.”

Daniel goes a little bit pale at this information and turns back to the bar, reaching for his drink. “Okay well,” he murmurs, “thatmakes more sense then. But still, Fay! He cuts ties. You are not safe, just because you're sleeping in his bed.”

“| didn’t think | was,” | sigh, and as | say it...| wonder if it's a lie.

Because honestly, sometimes?

Sometimes that’s the place in the world where | feel safest, the only place that makes sense.

The other night, Kent called me his peace — his refuge. And honestly | wonder if that’s what he is becoming for me as well.But before | can consider it, | notice that Daniel is sliding out of his chair a little bit, his eyes half-closed.

Chapter 291


“Whoaaa, boy,” | laugh, jumping up from my seat and helping him sit up.

“I'm fine,” Daniel insists, yawning and swatting me away a little, looking for his drink.

“| know, sugar,” | murmur, grabbing his phone off the bar again and dialing the first number in his recent call list. “Let's get youhome.”

Twenty minutes later, | smile as | see Jerome come through the curtain.

“Well hello, Mr. and Mrs. Green,” Jerome says, looking us over fondly as he wanders over to the bar, his hands tucked neatly inhis pockets. “My, aren’t you a sight.”

“Just Mr. Green, tonight,” | say, standing up and tucking myself under Daniel’s arm so that he can lean on me. “Mrs. Green held ittogether.”

“Did she?” Jerome asks, looking at me suspiciously as | stumble a little in my high heels.“Comparatively, yes,” | say, raising my chin proudly and making him laugh.

“You guys all right?” Jerome whispers to me, curious and concerned. “The three of them came home and it was...a lot of yellingin Italian.”

Chapter 2913/3“We'll make it,” | say, giving him a sad little sigh. “It...was a bad night.”

“Okay,” Jerome says, nodding, trusting me to fill him in when he needs to know.

“Hey, ‘rome,” Daniel slurs, finallylooking up to.ses hisboyfrierid tTheldont At ig on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!


“Hey, handsome,” Jerome sayswarmly, and I’m both surprised andpleased as Jerome steps close tomyfiancé, reaching oyitciabn a handthroug! SRiel's dark hair beforemoving to duck under Daniel's otherarm. I've never seen them be thissweet to each other before. | almostblush to see it, the real affectionbetween them on full display. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“Ready for bed?” Jerome asks Daniel softly.

“With you?” Daniel says, looking overat him asif | don't exiat at all nhltime; The Golttent is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Jerome grins at his boyfriend, nods to me, and then together we

get Daniel out to the car.


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