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Chapter 960

"Auntie, you shouldn't treat Ryan like this," Ian stated as he didn’t appreciate that kind of behavior.

The moment Ian's gaze fell upon Maureen, she felt a chill run down her spine.

Even though she often voiced her dissatisfaction towards her son, every action she took was in his


She had reprimanded Ryan before, but never left such a deep mark on his cheek.

At that moment, she viewed him as an utter failure, making all her efforts seem wasted.

At that point, facing Ian's gaze, Maureen clenched her fists, her tone of voice growing somber.

"Ryan, just don't say a word."

After all, what Dennis had said was true. They had already filed a special investigation with the upper

echelons. Holden's influence was still significant, if his disappearance was linked to a larger conspiracy,

at least a dozen people would be impacted.

As the primary person responsible for that crime, Ian would face severe punishment. In the worst-case

scenario, all his assets might be frozen, and he could also be thrown into jail.

Therefore, Maureen didn't want her son associating with Ian at that time, to prevent arousing suspicion

from the other members of the Raymond clan.

At that moment, Dennis chimed in.novelbin

"Ian, if you truly care about Ryan, you should comply with my request."

They wanted him to relinquish all his shares and leave the Raymond family swiftly.

If Ian complied, he would lose everything. Dennis couldn't tolerate the existence of such a formidable


Dennis stood up and slowly pushed a contract before Ian.

"If you sign this contract and voluntarily leave, we could potentially put in a good word for you during

the investigation into Holden's disappearance. Otherwise, you could face imprisonment."

Although they referred to it as a contract, in reality, it was an inequitable agreement, compelling Ian to

hand over all his shares without any compensation.

The Raymonds were truly shameless!

Ian was aware of their true colors, but upon seeing the contract, he couldn't help raising an eyebrow.

Dennis turned to the CEO of the EcoTraverse Group seated next to him, his tone more polite.

"Mr. Haley, why don't you weigh in? You're the most knowledgeable about the wager agreement."

Mr. Haley turned to Ian, waiting for his cue, but Ian remained silent.

He hastily waved his hand, saying, "This is a meeting of the Raymonds, I shouldn't interfere as an


Mistaking his modesty for politeness, Dennis responded courteously, "Mr. Haley, you're too humble."

He and Mr. Haley had already signed a private agreement.

Once the agreement was concluded, the 20% shares in Ian's possession would be transferred to Mr.

Haley. Dennis was willing to buy those shares for double the price of Raymond Corporation's stock.

However, he would first need to mortgage his own 30% shares.

Purchasing 20% of Raymond Corporation's shares was a significant amount. He didn't have sufficient

funds for that kind of massive purchase, but Dennis currently held 30% of the shares. He could use

those shares as collateral, along with all his assets, just enough to buy the 20% shares.

Once he acquired those shares, he would become the CEO of the Raymond Corporation. He could

then sell off several major projects, privately pocketing the money and using it to buy back his

mortgaged 30% shares. In that way, he would have 50% of the shares.

By then, no one in the Raymond family could stand against him, and they would all have to show him

due respect.

If anything were to happen to Holden, the immensely valuable Raymond Mansion would fall into his

possession, as the agreement over the mansion was clear to everyone: whoever held the CEO position

of the Raymond Corporation would own the mansion.

The mansion was at that time Ian's, but if the CEO position were to change hands, Ian would have to

transfer ownership of the mansion to Dennis, as per the previous agreement.

Dennis' eyes were filled with excitement. He was even forcing Ian to relinquish his remaining shares,

which would potentially grant him more than 50% of the shares.

The room fell silent, everyone waiting for Ian's response.

Ian wasn't in a hurry. He pushed the agreement away with one finger and scanned the faces of all the

high-ranking members of the Raymond Corporation present at the meeting.

Those who were genuinely concerned for him dared to meet his gaze, while those who had chosen to

side with Dennis lowered their heads as they didn’t have the courage to meet him face to face.

Who was genuine, and who was wavering, was clear at a glance.

Ian chuckled lightly, stood up and said as if he wasn’t worried at all, "The wager between Mr. Haley and

me isn't due for another five days, we'll discuss it then."

Seeing him about to leave, a fierce look flashed across Dennis' eyes.

"Ian, Mr. Haley is right here. He only holds 5% of the EcoTraverse Group's shares. The remaining 95%

is still locked with the institution. You're bound to lose this wager. Why delay it? Moreover, the special

investigation group has already begun looking into Holden's case. Once you leave this room, they'll

take you in for questioning, and not a single person in the Raymond family will vouch for you."

Without anyone to vouch for him, he would certainly be the prime suspect and would definitely be taken

in for questioning.

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