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Chapter 957


His voice was flat, clearly not wanting to talk about that guy.

Maja never asked about Ian and Eric's situation, but she knew too well that Eric was quite the darling in

the Raymond family, while Ian was often overlooked.

She dropped the topic and sat quietly in the passenger seat.

Upon reaching the old house, she followed Ian up the stairs.

They came to a room that was locked from the outside, clearly unused for a long time.

Ian went to fetch the keys from the butler, who added a cautionary note.

"Young master, please don't fiddle with the stuff inside. Grandma Edith used to go in there frequently."

It's no secret that Edith favored Eric most.

Ian unlocked the door, revealing a room filled with the musty smell of dust.

The curtains were drawn, making the room quite dim.

Just as Maja was about to step in, the butler stopped her.

"Ms. Pennyfeather, Grandma Edith once said that only a select few of the Raymond family can enter

this room."

What he meant was that not even all the Raymonds were allowed in, and since she wasn't one of

them, she'd better stay outside.

Thinking of Edith's past behavior, Maja held back. Though Edith had left Greenfield, she might come

back any day, and Maja didn't want to stir up any trouble.

Ian pulled back the curtains and went over to a shelf, atop which were gifts from Eric.

Just some small tokens.

He checked each one but found no clues related to the information he had.

His gaze fell on a photo of him and Eric. They shared some resemblance, with Eric looking more


Ian was a bit colder in comparison.

His big brother was only two years older than him.

Without lingering on the photo, he turned to Maja.

"Do you think I look like him?"

But there was no response. Turning his head, he saw Maja standing at the doorway, not coming in.

Maja heard Ian's question, but she couldn't see a picture. She could only see a photo in Ian's hand

from where she stood.

"Well, being brothers, you must have some similarities."

Ian casually tossed the photo aside, his voice even more indifferent. "But sometimes I feel like he's thenovelbin

real son of my mother."

Children who were ignored by their families often had such thoughts.

A pang of sympathy hit Maja, and she quickly replied, "But you must be the best-looking one in the

Raymond family."

This comment brought a smile to Ian's face.

He chuckled lightly and, having checked all the items, sighed.

"Nothing here. Let's go."

Closing the lid, he moved towards the doorway where Maja stood.

Maja noticed that he seemed more relaxed than when he first entered the room.

The door was locked again, and Ian returned the keys to the butler.

The butler, worried about Holden, couldn't help but ask,

"Sir, what about Holden?"

"Grandpa left willingly with them. The investigation will be tough. They've dodged all surveillance, and

we've not heard anything yet."

The butler looked even more worried, and Ian could only reassure him.

"Don't worry, Grandpa has his own plans."

The butler said no more, merely sighing.

As Ian and Maja left the old house, he called Fitch.

"I'm sure there's nothing in those things. I haven't accepted any gifts from him since I grew up. They're

all stuff from my childhood, simple in design, unlikely to conceal any information."

Fitch, who had high hopes, could only chuckle bitterly.

"Eric is indeed a genius. If he wanted to hide something, we'd have a hard time finding it."

By now, Ian was back in the car and, hearing this, lowered his head.

"Maybe we don't really know him. Even though I'm his brother, I didn't know he could love a woman this

much until recently."

Geniuses were mad, and they didn't fall in love.

Eric was genuinely versatile, capable of experiencing deep emotions and risking everything for love.

A small smile crept onto Ian's face. "It seemed I've lost to him in every aspect."

As he said this, he looked at Maja beside him.

All the bitterness disappeared in an instant. With Maja by his side, he felt like he had the whole world.

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