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Chapter 1452

Half an hour's bus ride through the winding suburban streets brought Quentin to a halt outside a

rundown courtyard. Maja followed him as they entered.

The moment the door creaked open, she was hit with the pungent aroma of medicinal herbs,

underscored by the sound of coughing from an elderly person and a child.

"Quentin, you're back!"

"Look, Quentin's home."

Soon enough, about a dozen kids swarmed out, all flocking around Quentin.

Quentin nodded and calmed the kids for a moment before turning to Maja, "Come with me."

She followed him into the farthest room of the house. The room, though well-lit, was stark in its

simplicity. The ceiling was leaking, with a bowl placed underneath to catch the drips.

"Madam, I met someone today."

Pushing the door open, the one referred to as 'Madam' was a middle-aged woman who looked as if she

was running on fumes.

She glanced up, her hand covering a fit of coughing.

"And who might this be?"

"She's well-off and curious about my tattoo."

Maja wasn't sure how to greet this woman, so she just nodded and said, "Hello."

The woman's eyes narrowed, sharp and assessing.

Quentin continued, "Madam, let her take over your teaching duties."

Maja furrowed her brow, still in the dark about what was unfolding.

The woman on the bed sat in silence, then finally shook her head.

"That's too risky. It could cost her life at any moment."

"Isn't investigating the tattoo a life-threatening endeavor as well?"

The woman on the bed stiffened, then gave a pale, wry smile. "That's true."

Maja stood to the side, wisely remaining silent, not pressing with questions. She heard the woman

cough again, and when their eyes met, the woman asked, "What should I call you?"

"My name is Maja Pennyfeather.”

"Ms. Pennyfeather, do you understand what a jellyfish tattoo signifies?"

Maja shook her head.

The woman and Quentin exchanged a look. Quentin poured her a glass of water, his tone even, "The

jellyfish tattoo is a mark of distinction on this island, and it's also a dark secret."

"Why keep it a secret? And how did this kid come by it?"

"Maja, if you really want to know, you'll have to agree to our terms. Take up a position at Outer Island

High School, replacing me."

"I've never taught before."

"I teach art, and you wouldn't be there to teach. There's something far more important for you to do. If

you agree, I'll tell you everything you want to know about the tattoo."

Maja weighed her options in silence.

Quentin upped the ante, "On Outer Island, no one knows more about the tattoo than Madam and me."

Seeing Maja's hesitation, the woman coughed more violently, as if her lungs were about to spill out.

The heavy medicinal scent filled Maja's nostrils. After a moment's consideration, she agreed.

Quentin looked towards the woman on the bed, taking her hand in his.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Oh, Quentin, if only someone could save you, that would be wonderful."

Quentin patted her hand gently, then turned his back to Maja, pointing to the tattoo on the back of his


"This thing showed up just this year. Every senior at Outer Island High has to take a comprehensive

exam. Only the top ten are chosen for this tattoo. It's a tradition that's been upheld for many years here,

and we've always taken pride in it."novelbin

"But a month ago, Madam overheard a conversation between two mysterious figures. It turns out that

this 'honor' is actually a selection process for those who will be turned into sacrificial lambs. None of

them are ever seen again. Those chosen are said to serve the high-ranking individuals on Inner Island,

but nobody knows what happens to them. Over the years, those who have been taken from Outer

Island have never returned."

"We always believed the tattoo was a symbol of immense fortune, a chance to change our fates. We

never imagined it was a one-way ticket to the end."

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