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Chapter 1451

The boy turned his head, giving her a quick glance.

Maja Pennyfeather immediately beamed a smile, "So, uh..."

Before she could finish, she swooned and collapsed.

Partly because she genuinely felt under the weather, and partly because she couldn't find the right

moment to strike up a conversation with the lad.

Her ploy was to feign weakness; if this boy had any shred of decency, he'd escort her back home.

To her surprise, after she fainted, the sound of footsteps grew fainter, clearly indicating he'd left her

there by herself.

After about ten minutes, certain that the boy was out of sight, Maja slowly opened her eyes.

Darn it, she was new in town and clueless about how to find someone.

She got to her feet and headed for the main street.

It looked pretty much like any other street in the outside world, save for the lack of cell service.

After wandering for an hour and feeling exhausted, she plopped down outside a bustling diner.

"How can I help you?” The voice of the server straddled the line between youthful and mature.

Looking up, sure enough, it was the same unhelpful rascal from before.

Quentin Gellar recognized her too but remained expressionless as he handed her the menu.

On her way here, Maja had noticed that none of the passersby bore the distinctive jellyfish tattoo, only

this high schooler did. Could he also be part of the BK?

She even began to suspect she'd stumbled into BK's den.

The most dangerous place is often the safest – could Lillian be hiding right under BK's nose?

With this suspicion also came unease. BK was a tough nut to crack, and if they found out she was on

their turf, wouldn't she be like a sitting duck?

Quentin, noting her hesitation to order, stood there, silent and upright.

Maja, snapping out of her thoughts, randomly ticked off a few items on the menu.

"You won't be able to finish all that; servings here are generous, two will be plenty."

The kid finally seemed willing to chat a bit.

She met his gaze, "Kid, I kinda did you a solid back there. I pass out, and you just walk away?"

Quentin glanced at the menu, "Anything else?"

Maja frowned, this kid looked no older than seventeen or eighteen and was proving tough to

communicate with.

She flashed a smile, leaning back in her seat, "You should order something to eat, join me."

"I'm working."

"Call your boss over, I'll pay for your time."

It was said in jest, intending to coax a few more words out of Quentin.

To her surprise, he actually summoned the owner. Upon hearing Maja was willing to shell out a grand,

the owner practically shoved Quentin into the seat opposite her.

"Make sure the lady's happy, you hear me?"

That's when Maja realized she was likely in Outer Island, the lowest rung of Forbidden Island, a placenovelbin

teeming with poverty. Splurging like this was unheard of here.

What about Ian and Patric? Where were they holed up?

Quentin sat down opposite her, casually grabbed some forks, and dug in.

Maja could tell he was strapped for cash, and probably hadn't had a decent meal in days.

Yet, he ate with a measured calm.

"What's your name?"

"Quentin. Six feet tall, O positive, 17 years old."

"That tattoo on the back of your neck, does it mean anything?"

Quentin's hand paused, his eyes narrowing.

Maja pressed on, "How much would you want to spill the beans?"

He hesitated for a few seconds, sizing her up, probably gauging how much she could afford.

She didn't press further, waiting for him to name his price. He kept his cool, eating until full, then

reached for a napkin to wipe his mouth, "How much can you offer?"

"I can match whatever you ask."

At this, Quentin looked down, stood up, fetched some takeout containers, packed up the leftovers, and

headed towards an alleyway.

Maja followed suit; after all, she'd bought his time for the day.

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