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Chapter 1427

Beck turned his gaze toward Maja.

"If this outcome still doesn't sit right with you, you could use the Sanders family's influence to send him

out of North America. Let him suffer in Africa or wherever else you fancy."

Maja stood rooted to the spot, words failing her.

She couldn't believe how ruthless Beck was being toward Dylan.

Not only was he casting him out of the Sanders family, but he was also cutting off all his prospects for

employment, meaning Dylan wouldn't be able to find any legitimate work to support himself.novelbin

Her mouth hung open, at a loss for what to say.

Beck, in that moment, seemed to embody the full arrogance of a wealthy heir.

She clutched at Ian's sleeve and sighed softly.

"Let's go, Ian."

Ian nodded, and they embraced as they descended the stairs.

Beck was left alone in the vast hallway.

Memories of laughter and joy within these walls flashed through his mind, leaving him with a sense of


His family would likely never be complete again.

His little sister refused to acknowledge them, and his elder brother was gone.

Despite his efforts to bring everyone together, he ended up losing more and more. Indeed, the greedy

are always punished.

He rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath, his voice hoarse, "Mom, don't you have anything to say?"

Arlene slowly shook her head, enveloped in silence.

Exhausted in body and spirit, Beck had nothing more to add.

When Maja, supported by Ian, got back to the car, her legs felt like they were floating above the

ground, the surrealism overwhelming.

She had considered the possibility that Jolin was not the Sanders family's daughter and that everything

might be a scheme, but she never imagined she herself was the true heiress of the Sanders family.

The irony of being wronged by Judith, who paraded around with the identity that rightfully belonged to

her, was not lost on Maja.

She felt weary. Once in the car, she leaned against Ian's chest.

Ian gently patted her back, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you last night. I thought Beck wouldn't spill the beans

today either, and I wanted to shield you a bit longer. You must be hurting."

Tears instantly filled Maja's eyes.

She was indeed in agony.

Her identity had been stolen, she'd been framed by a faux heiress, and her own brother had turned


After all she had been through, how could she want to return to the Sanders family?

Even if they were willing to hand over all their shares to her, that wasn't what she needed.

She had achieved financial independence long ago; what she always craved was the love of her family.

Hearing her muffled sobs, Ian felt a sharp pain in his own heart.

"Stop crying, please. Think of the baby."

Maja quickly wiped her tears, "I just want to go home and sleep."

"Alright, sweetheart, we'll go home. No more tears."

The word "sweetheart" made Maja's cheeks burn, and Ian, who had let it slip out, felt a wave of heat

rush to his face as well.

They sat in silence until he finally managed to say, "I've heard them use that word\."

"Who are they?"

"Well, just\ people in love."

He deflected smoothly and then held her close again.

Out of Maja's sight, the tips of his ears were red.

"It doesn't matter."

But he couldn't bring himself to call her "sweetheart" again.

Maja, amused by the situation, initially felt awkward, but seeing Ian flustered, she found it rather


"Let's go back, Ian. I'm really tired."

"Yeah, whatever you say."

He turned his head to plant a kiss on her cheek.

Meanwhile, Dylan sat in his car, dazed. It wasn't until the vehicle pulled up outside Judith's villa that he

snapped back to reality.

Had it been an hour earlier, he would have rushed in to check on Judith's condition.

But now, every ounce of concern he'd shown Judith, every agreement to her disparaging remarks

about Maja felt like a barbed sword that had pierced his own flesh, tearing away at his skin and soul as

it was withdrawn.

He stepped inside.

Judith had been eagerly awaiting his return, especially after Beck's call, thinking Dylan was coming to

whisk her off to a life of luxury with the Sanders family.

She greeted him with a bright smile, clutching his arm.

"Dylan, you're finally back. I waited for you all night, I missed you so much."

Yet she sensed something off in Dylan's demeanor, not quite gloom but a sort of listlessness.

Dylan, who had always been dynamic and forceful in negotiations, how could he be listless?

Her smile faltered, and she quickly tried to reassure him.

"Is it because of Maja? Beck told me everything. Just throw a bit of cash her way, and she'll forgive and

forget. Dylan, I had no idea she was the real Ms. Sanders. I'll go and apologize to her myself, she'll

surely forgive us."

She clung to Dylan's arm, trying to sway his arm as she had done so many times before.

But Dylan slowly withdrew his hand, his tone icy.

"I'm going to have them take you to a place."

"What place, Dylan?"

Dylan's face was devoid of emotion, and he offered her a smile that was more distressing than tears.

"It's a surprise. You can't know in advance."

He then picked up a thick black cloth and tied it over her eyes.

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