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Chapter 1426

She stared at the two documents in her hands, a sense of surrealism washing over her.

Taking an instinctive step back, she almost sought out Ian's gaze for reassurance.

But the words that came from Beck's mouth rooted her to the spot.

"Dad would have been thrilled to know he was about to become a grandfather," Beck said with a

bewildered look. "Think of it as a gift for his grandkid. If you don't accept this, we wouldn't know what to


His confusion was tangible, yet Maja's response was immediate and firm.

"Sorry, it's too much."

Beck gave a forced smile and stuffed the two transfer papers into her hands.

"Take them. You can sign whenever you're ready. You are now the head of the Sanders family.

Whatever you wish for Dylan, the rest of us in the Sanders family will follow your lead."

Just last night, Maja had told Ian she never wanted to see Dylan's face again, but now reality slapped

her hard.

She remembered all too well Dylan's abusive behavior – rendering her mute, the slaps, the choking.

She couldn't forgive him.

So she put the documents aside, her voice colder.

"Ian, let's go home."

It was clear she had no interest in wealth that could rival nations.

Ian quickly wrapped his arms around her, his tone comforting. "You can't get worked up. You're

pregnant now."

His words seemed deliberately aimed at Dylan.

"Maja, you need to stay cheerful. I never want to experience anything like last night's horror again, not

in this lifetime. You almost die with the baby."

Dylan tensed, feeling as if someone were slicing through his flesh, the taste of rust in his mouth, his

eyes too red to face anyone.

He couldn't bring himself to look at Maja, afraid to see the revulsion in her eyes, so he cowardly bowed

his head.

After signing the papers, he'd effectively become part of the backdrop.

As Maja and Ian passed by him, Dylan didn't dare to steal another glance but instinctively steppednovelbin


Ian held Maja close, and they descended the stairs together. Only then did Dylan slowly turn his head,

watching their retreating figures.

Die. Die with the baby.

Each word cut through him like a sword, leaving him riddled with wounds.

He stood there, bewildered, unaccustomed to such a grave mistake in his charmed life.

It was then Beck spoke.

"Maja, if you're unwilling to make a decision, then I'll make it for you. This was also Dad's wish. From

now on, Dylan is no longer part of the Sanders family. He'll move out, cut off from our resources.

Everything the Sanders family has given him will be revoked. Whether he ends up working construction

or delivering pizzas, the Sanders family will ensure he has no easy path back. When he's had enough

hardship, we'll see."

Beck spoke in front of everyone, a commitment of sorts.

He turned to Dylan, his voice indifferent. "Dylan, any objections?"

Dylan's face was stoic, his head still bowed. "No."

His voice was hoarse, too shaky to meet anyone's gaze.

Beck sighed. "Good. Then you'll handle Judith personally. When that's settled, move out of the

mansion. The Sanders family won't interfere with your life anymore. You've had it too easy, taken too

much for granted."

Dylan remained silent. He had said similar things to his own brother before, and now the words had

come back to haunt him.

He couldn't bring himself to look at Maja and walked away instead.

He didn't have the courage to pass by her, choosing a distant staircase on the other side of the


The two staircases were far apart.

Dylan's once proud posture was now slumped, and he quickly vanished from everyone's sight.

Beck half-expected Arlene to have something to say, but from beginning to end, she stood silently in

the corner, not uttering a single word.

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