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Chapter 1346

"Maybe he's tied up with other stuff right now. Smuggling isn't a walk in the park - you've got to be on

your toes nonstop. And the guy picking him up is Abner Olson of the Olson clan."

"You might not have heard of the Olson family. They keep a low profile, but they have some sway with

the powers that be. They've never crossed any major lines, and they sometimes handle dirty work for

the big shots. That's why they've managed to stay under the radar. The current head of the family,

Abner, he's a sickly man, but when he strikes, it's vicious. Remember when Ian lost his marbles a while

back and made a bunch of enemies? He intercepted a shipment belonging to the Casson and Olson

families, putting him on Abner and Omar's hit list."

"Think Abner will take a swing at him?"

"Nah, I've given them a heads-up. He might throw some barbs Ian's way, but Abner's a man of his

word, even if he's a bit off his rocker."

Maja let out a sigh of relief. "Dr. Herrington, I really can't thank you enough."

"Ian's a friend. It's the least I could do."

His tone was nonchalant, eyes fixed on the road ahead.

In the back seat, the silver-haired, blue-eyed old man leaned against the seat, feigning sleep. He could

understand every word the two were saying, but he had no interest in meddling in their conversation,

so he just played the weary traveler.

After a two-hour drive, the city skyline finally came into view, and Phelps turned to Maja.

"Got any friends in North America? If not, you're welcome to stay at my place until Ian gets back."

"I'd appreciate that."

The last thing she wanted was to fall back into K's clutches. Sticking with Phelps was her safest bet.

Besides, she couldn't return to Greenfield; all she could do was wait in North America for Ian.

Phelps pulled up in front of a suburban house in the city.

"There are servants and bodyguards here. I'll leave you my cell phone, so you can reach out to Ian

whenever. Once you get in touch with him and decide to leave, just let me know. I'm not looking to pry

into whatever's happened to you."

Maja's impression of him improved even more. She'd met Phelps several times before, but he always

had that aloof, refined air typical of doctors, which made him somewhat intimidating.

"Dr. Herrington, will you be staying here tonight?"

He glanced at her and smiled faintly.

"I'm only back in North America because I owe the Sanders family a favor. I've got to touch base with

Mr. Sanders since I haven't wrapped it up yet. I can't say for sure if I'll be back tonight. The mansion

has plenty of rooms, so even if I do come back, we won't be in each other's way."

She felt a bit guilty, not about him bothering her, but about possibly taking up his space.

Hearing his words, she relaxed.

He handed her the keys to the house.

"Anything you need, just tell the staff."

"Will do."

Stepping out of the car, she smiled and waved goodbye.

Her complexion had brightened since their first encounter, when she'd been a mess of worry and


Phelps didn't respond; he simply hit the gas and drove off.

The old man in the back seat finally opened his eyes.

"What kind of game are you playing this time?"

"Just a little game," Phelps replied nonchalantly.

"When have your 'little games' ever not left people at their wits' end, drained of their will to live? She's

our future leader, after all."

"She won't be pushed to despair. This is a form of training for her."

"Phelps, when the Holy Daughter entrusted you with grooming the next leader, I realized she made a

wise choice. No one's better suited than you, and you've got the guts for it. The kid has eyes just like

Cynthia's. The first time I saw her, I was taken aback – it was as if Cynthia was back. Those eyes arenovelbin

resilient, pure, intelligent. I really don't want to see them filled with despair."

"Anyone who can't let go of anything can't become powerful. If she's not up to the task, even if she is

the Holy Daughter's daughter, I won't hesitate to end her."

The old man locked eyes with Phelps in the rearview mirror.

"Sometimes, I wonder how you can be so rational, devoid of any emotion."

Phelps remained silent, his focus unwavering as he continued to drive.

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