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Chapter 1345

Phelps glanced at her, his expression shifting from surprise to concern within a few silent seconds.


"It's me, it's really me!"

Maja was so overwhelmed with emotion, she hardly knew how to react. She was aware of her own

disheveled state, but there was no time for lengthy explanations.

"Dr. Herrington, what on earth brings you here?"

"The gentleman's quite esteemed, part of the North American elite. I once served as a personal

physician for the Sanders family, had the honor of making their acquaintance. So whenever I'm in North

America, I drop by for a wellness check."

"Dr. Herrington, do you mean to say you'll be returning to North America?"


"Take me with you, please. I need to find Ian."

"You'll have to wait half an hour."


Maja's heart finally settled. Starved, frantic, her mind can't process much else.novelbin

She sat quietly on the couch, watching as Phelps guided the old man into another room for the check-


But the moment the door closed, the old man’s kindly facade vanished, replaced by a mischievous

glance at Phelps.

Phelps, stoic as ever, went about his examination, his tone detached.

"I'll take her with me when I leave, and you’re coming too."

"What exactly are you plotting?"

"Give someone the greatest hope, then dash it completely, and she'll become compliant. I noticed her

unusual obedience these past few days."

Clever girl, thought the old man with a shake of his head and a tone laced with sarcasm. "Poor thing,

picking the wrong person to cross."

Phelps didn't dignify that with a response, simply finished up the routine check and grabbed his medical


Maja followed him closely, like a traveler in the desert stumbling upon an oasis.

Even after devouring a sandwich, her head swam with dizziness.

She'd run through the night, her sense of direction blurred, but now, with Phelps, it felt like she was

finally escaping the den of wolves. The overwhelming exhaustion hit her like a wave.

Settling into the passenger seat, she felt her eyelids droop.

Phelps pulled a blanket from the back seat and draped it over her.

"Get some sleep. I've spoken to Ian; he's planning a trip back home soon."

Maja snapped awake at the mention of Ian.

Back home? But wasn't he a wanted man? Why would he risk it now?

"Has he already left?"

"He left at noon, and he's sneaking back. It's dangerous there, and with your close ties to him, you're

probably a prime target as well. You can't go back just yet, not with the heat on him. One person

sneaking across borders is risky enough without adding another target."

"But I'm worried about him."

Ian had likely never faced anything like this before, and sometimes Maja wondered if her presence had

jinxed his luck.

"Maja, he's Ian. He'll be fine. There must be a reason for his return. You can reach out to him, but for

now, you'll have to wait for him here in North America."

"Dr. Herrington, when did you arrive in North America?"

"Just got in at noon. Ian called me the day before yesterday, so I came over."

Maja breathed a sigh of relief, then asked tentatively, "Could I call Ian now?"

Phelps handed her his cell phone.

With trembling fingers, Maja dialed Ian's number.

But no one answered.

Her brow furrowed as she tried again and again, three times in total, each call met with silence.

Fear crept in. Had something happened to Ian?

"No answer?" Phelps inquired.


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