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Chapter 1260

After drinking his fill, he released Maja with a disgusted glance before abruptly turning to leave.

Judith, who had been left on the couch downstairs, was now fast asleep, even sobbing in her sleep. It

was clear how shaken she was by the night's events.

Dylan approached her, gently picking her up.

Watching him leave the villa, Patric could only feel a sense of irritation.

For some reason, he intensely disliked Judith, even going so far as to suspect that Wind might have

been killed by her.

He also loathed Maja. Maja had this knack for getting under people's skin, but she didn't seem capable

of such an act.

She was now at odds with Ian, showing indifference towards everything and no longer instigating any


He knew all this, yet he chose to let Dylan take his revenge on her, to reduce her to a mute, a caged

bird that would never sing or fly again.

Ian had purchased a plane ticket to North America for that night, but at the last minute, he had a

change of heart.

The cab heading to the airport made a U-turn, and he found himself back at Greenfield Gardens.

Coco and Rocky came running from a distance, barking at him.

Especially Coco, who was noticeably more eager.

Perhaps aware of its lack of standing with Ian, it kept a respectful distance, wagging its tail.

Rocky was clearly more brazen, rubbing itself against Ian's leg.

Ian took the gloves from Jeff's hand, putting them on before patting Coco's head.

Coco barked even more excitedly, periodically glancing behind him, as if wondering why her ownernovelbin

hadn't shown up yet.

Before Maja's recent disappearance, they had just moved in together.

Each time things seemed to be improving, they would take a turn for the worse.

"She's not coming back. She's never coming back."

She was more ruthless than anyone, claiming that she had never loved him.

She even denied his love for her.

She negated everything he had done, even his love was rejected. How much she must loathe his


His hand paused, clenched, and a handful of Coco's fur came off in his grip.

This silly dog thought Ian was playing with it, happily rubbing against his hand.

Ian stood up, handed the gloves back to Jeff, and strode inside.

At that moment, Nydia called him.

"Ian, are you feeling any better?"

Nydia didn't know what had happened at Greenfield, but the last time she called Ian, she could tell

something was off.

Ian removed his suit jacket, half-unbuttoned his dress shirt, and sat down on the couch.


"Did you read the email I sent you last time?"

"What email?"

"Augus came to the underground fight club. He wants to make a deal with us, asking us to help him

find his biological daughter. Turns out that Judith was a decoy, but only Augus knows this in the

Sanders family. Dylan and Beck are kept in the dark. The Sanders family has complex power

dynamics, it seems like Augus has many concerns. The daughter swap probably involves a lot of

power players. He can't disentangle himself right now, so he wants to cooperate with us."

Ian was silent for a good ten seconds before asking.

"Why didn't you tell me about this important matter when you called me last time?"

"When I called you last time, I could tell you weren't in high spirits, Ian. You need to understand that in

our fight club, your mood is always the most important thing. Even if Augus offered 2 billion dollars, if

you don't want to take it, I'll reject it on my end."

"Take it."

There was a mocking glint in Ian's eyes as he said this.

Dylan cared so much for Judith, even going against the Raymond Corporation for her. In the end,

Judith wasn't the Sanders family's daughter, and who knew where the child he doted on came from? It

was rather amusing.

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