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Chapter 1209

Jeff watched the scene from a distance, believing that the two of them were indeed a perfect match.

Ms. Pennyfeather was typically quiet and aloof in front of strangers. However, when she was with Mr.

Raymond, her emotions were as visible as those of any ordinary person.

Mr. Raymond, on the other hand, only seemed to lose himself like this when he was with Ms.

Pennyfeather, as if a single kiss had taken his soul away.

Ian stood in place for a long time, long enough that his legs began to stiffen, before he slowly made his

way towards where Maja was.

Maja had taken Rocky on several rounds, and they only stopped when both of them were tired. They

then sat next to the swimming pool to catch their breath.

The pool consisted of two sections. A small one with a diameter of about three meters was designed

for animals to bathe. The water was changed daily.

She pushed Rocky into the small pool and started washing him with the supplies prepared by the


Ian, dressed in a suit, came to the poolside and reminded her, "Be careful not to let the bubbles get into

your eyes."

No sooner had he said this than Maja closed her eyes as the bubbles stung and tears started

streaming down her face.

"Ian, get me a bottle of water, quick."

Ian, his heart pounding, quickly went into the living room and grabbed a bottle of water. Not caring thatnovelbin

his pants would get wet, he knelt by the poolside, holding up her chin with one hand and using the

other to rinse the foam from her eyes.

After the foam around her eyelids was washed away, her eyes were still a bit red and tears continued

to drip.

Ian took a handkerchief from a housekeeper nearby and gently wiped her cheeks.

"Let someone else wash Rocky."

Maja's eyes were still streaming with tears. The foam had irritated her eyes, causing the whites to

become bloodshot.

"It's fine. I was just having fun."

Ian handed the water bottle and handkerchief to the housekeeper nearby and jumped into the pool.

"You sit here. I'll wash him."

Maja sat by the poolside, watching him in his suit, his pants completely wet, as he scrubbed the foam

off Rocky.

Rocky was about to shake off his fur when Ian sternly said, "No."

Rocky whimpered but didn't dare move.

Maja was surprised.

Could he really be that obedient?

Rocky was very well-behaved under Ian's care.

In just 15 minutes, Ian had cleaned him up and then took him to the side to dry.

Maja remembered that Ian was allergic to dog fur, so she quickly checked his neck and arms for any

allergic reactions. Finding none, she heaved a sigh of relief.

She put Rocky into a machine specifically designed to dry fur.

As they went upstairs to change clothes, Ian asked, "Aren't you going to work today?"

"Shawn's case is settled, and the artists we've signed are filming as planned. I just don't know what

kind of trouble Dylan will cause. He said he won't let me off."

The majority of the company's shares were in her hands, so a takeover was impossible. The only thing

they could do was hinder her business.

Ian put on a fresh suit and saw that half the closet was filled with his clothes, the other half with Maja's,

his heart softened.

"I'll let the CEO of the Sanders Group know. If Dylan really makes trouble for you, I can create

problems for him in North America."

"You know the CEO of the Sanders family?"

Ian nodded, "I met him at a banquet in North America."

Maja had seen Augus Sanders' speeches. It was done in a methodical way. His expression back then

was determined and sharp.

She couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Judith is really lucky. When I was in college, I watched many of Mr. Sanders' speeches. I audited a

finance class where the professor analyzed his speeches. They left a deep impression on me."

Her words prickled Ian.

"If you want to meet him, I can take you with me next time I travel. The CEO of the Sanders Group is a

decent man, at least better than Dylan."

"No need, given my situation with Judith, I'm sure he has opinions on me too."

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