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Chapter 1131

The Awards was a big deal in the industry, attracting numerous key players and stakeholders, including

those from Star Movie Group.novelbin

Zoey, who was currently in the hospital, had even requested her doctor to leave the TV on so she could

follow the ceremony.

When she saw a particular scene, Zoey realized that Mr. Pennyfeather was making sacrifices for the

company. Many of their business partners had been snatched away recently, and something needed to

be done to get them back.

She was moved, her eyes glued to the screen unblinkingly.

Every time the camera panned over to the Star Movie Group team, Zoey felt an indescribable sense of

pride. She had been with the company from the beginning and knew how hard the team worked behind

the scenes. She always believed that Star Movie Group had a bright future.

A knock on her hospital room door interrupted her thoughts. Thinking it was the nurse, she paid it no

mind. But when the door swung open, a man entered.

Feeling his presence, Zoey stiffened, her hand clenching beneath the blankets. Why was he here?

She shifted uncomfortably against the wall, trying to regain some semblance of confidence. The man

sat down next to her, casting her a casual glance.

Zoey swallowed, her palms sweaty. Every time she saw him, she felt a knot in her stomach.

After a minute of silence, he finally asked, "How did you get hurt?"

Zoey was so used to his sarcasm that when he asked this question, she was taken aback.

"Someone was targeting Mr. Pennyfeather, and I walked in on it. I got stabbed," she replied.

The man raised an eyebrow at her casual tone. It was as if being stabbed was a minor inconvenience.

But the doctors had said that she was lucky the knife did not hit her intestines, or she would have been

in serious trouble.

"You're really loyal to Maja," he commented.

Zoey knew that people in Greenfield didn't like Mr. Pennyfeather much. But what did it matter? She

knew how good Maja was.

"Because Mr. Pennyfeather is worth it," she retorted.

The man scoffed and stood up. "So, you got stabbed and it's your own fault. Sooner or later, you'll lose

your life for her."

Zoey was usually submissive around him, but hearing these words, she grew defiant. "I'm willing to."

The man froze, a strange discomfort creeping into his heart. But he had no idea what this feeling was,

so he stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Once he left, Zoey let out a sigh of relief and continued to watch the TV.

Shawn was on stage accepting his award. He thanked everyone at Star Movie Group for nurturing his


"Everyone in the company is great and works hard. I will continue to work hard too," he said.

As the spotlight shone on him, Shawn walked over to Maja, trophy in hand.

Maja clapped her hands and nodded in approval. Shawn smiled at her before taking a seat next to her.

The camera captured this moment, and the viewers at home were convinced that something was going

on between Shawn and Maja.

Meanwhile, Star Movie Group was posting negative news about Maja, quickly pushing her name to the

top of the trending list.

Shawn's fans were not fond of Maja, but seeing that she was now linked with their favorite star, they

breathed a sigh of relief.

After the awards ceremony, Maja got into a car and started checking the trending news. Sure enough,

people were digging up information about her, but she wasn't worried. She then instructed her driver to

take her back to Rosewood Manor.

On the other side of town, people in the Raymond Corporation was still working late. Ian had been

watching the live stream of the awards ceremony in his office since Tyler had shared the link with him.

When he saw Maja interacting with Shawn as if they were a couple, he felt a pang of discomfort.

He checked Twitter and saw that Maja was trending. He put his phone down and continued watching

the ceremony.

Every time the camera showed Maja, Ian felt his breath hitch. The spot where Maja had slapped him

earlier throbbed slightly. Jeff had suggested using a cold compress, but he had refused. So, he had

come to the Raymond Corporation with five distinct finger marks on his face, earning him curious looks

from the staff in the top floor offices.

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