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Chapter 1089

On the other side of town, Maja had fallen into a restless sleep the previous night and didn't wake until


She looked upwards at the azure sky, and the sun was at its zenith. Holden's funeral must have

concluded by now, she thought.

And what about Ian?

Was he really hiding somewhere, like Patric suggested?

Her eyes stung with unshed tears. She should have been by his side at this moment.

The door to her room swung open abruptly as Patric walked in. Seeing the redness around her eyes,

he chuckled.

"Worried about Ian, are you?"

Maja's face fell instantly. In Patric's presence, she was like a fortress, unwilling to let any of her

emotions show.

Patric noticed this, and his gaze hardened.

"Don't want to talk to me, huh? Too bad. You're stuck with me for the foreseeable future."

He tossed a cup of instant noodles onto the table, his voice icy.

"Eat up. We're leaving soon."

Maja remained silent. Her eating habits had been erratic these past few days.

Patric seemed to enjoy tormenting her, sometimes bringing food, and leaving her to starve, as if he

were trying to break her.

Maja lowered her head and finished the noodles. A sharp pain in her stomach followed, causing her to

rush to the bathroom to throw up.

Patric stood outside, arms crossed, watching her retch.

"Are you pregnant? Is it mine or Ian's?"

His words made Maja feel even sicker. After she stopped throwing up, she rinsed her mouth and held

her stomach.

Patric, misinterpreting her symptoms for morning sickness, continued to taunt her.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital to check how far along you are? Maybe it was from when

we were together. After all, I didn't use protection. I just don't know if you took any contraceptives


Maja paled. She had indeed forgotten to take any birth control.

She was so flustered at the time and focused on hiding the truth from Ian that she overlooked the most

important thing.

Had she gotten her period since then?

She didn't think so.

She held her stomach, feeling lost.

Patric had no time to waste with her, so he grabbed her wrist.

"Let's go. The private jet leaves tonight."

Maja stumbled at his tug, nearly falling down the stairs.

Patric didn't show any sympathy. He was the polar opposite of Ian, never showing any concern for


They reached the bottom of the stairs, and Patric moved to leave, but he felt a sudden weight on his


Turning around, he saw Maja had fainted.

He quickly steadied her, calling out, "Maja?"

She was deathly pale, her eyes closed.

Patric took a quick breath, checking if she was still breathing.

She was, but he couldn't take her to the hospital for fear Ian would track them down.novelbin

He laid Maja on the couch and called in a trusted doctor.

"She has gastritis. She needs to take medication and rest at home. Her diet needs to be light and

regular. Otherwise, her condition could worsen," the doctor advised.

Patric thought about how he had been treating her recently and frowned.

Why hadn't she said anything about her gastritis?

His flight was due in a few hours. How could he take her in this state?

"Can you give her a sedative? I need to get on a plane."

The doctor looked surprised, "Sir, her gastritis is quite severe. If something happens on the plane, it

wouldn't be as easy to get help."

Patric's patience was wearing thin. He shook Maja, trying to wake her up.

He suspected she was faking it just to stay in Greenfield.

But her face was so pale, devoid of any color.

After a few shakes, a sharp pain shot through his head.

The doctor was still standing nearby, feeling uneasy as Patric's demeanor changed abruptly.

"Thank you, doctor. Leave the medication here, and I'll make sure she takes it."

The doctor breathed a sigh of relief and reiterated his advice.

"Please be careful. It would be very difficult to deal with if this develops into stomach cancer."

Patric nodded, reaching out to touch Maja's hand, but pulled back at the last moment.

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