Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1612
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As soon as Philip left the room, Summer began to manhandle 00.

With no access point, lan was stuck in his hiding spot, unsure of how many cameras were in Summer's room, and unable tomake a sound.

His initial plan was to douse Summer with the liquid from a small bottle he'd brought, but now that he saw 00, he felt a sense ofrelief. OO was his chosen one; she knew what to do.

Summer's enthusiasm soared when dealing with anyone connected to Cynthia. Although he was getting handsy, he wasn't inarush to devour her. Instead, he grabbed 00 by the hair, studying her face closely.

She winced in pain, playing weak as tears welled in her eyes.

Summer raised an eyebrow, a smirk curling on his lips. He was suddenly reminded of the thrill he felt when he had Cynthialocked in the basement - an unspeakable satisfaction.

"Those eyes are quite something. | regretted blinding Cynthia for so long. Didn't have the heart to keep those eyes of hers. Butyours, | could keep. What's your name?"

00's face flushed red, tears streaming down her cheeks. Summer hated tears in a woman the most. They should be tough likeCynthia, who tried to escape hundreds of times a year, keeping him entertained.

This one had pretty eyes, but she was too soft - he didn't like that. He was merciless with the things he disliked.

His slaps left a few red marks on 00's face, her cheeks swelling, but her gaze remained clear. Summer stood up, his footcrashing into her stomach, his leather shoe kicking hard.

Apart from Cynthia, he never showed mercy to women. They were his cattle, to be humiliated at his whim.

He loved Cynthia so much, yet he blinded her. Women were lowly creatures, just deserving of their fate. If only she had stayedwith him, why endure all this?

Summer felt an unprecedented euphoria. Away from the research base, where he couldn't strike anyone he pleased, he nowreveled in his cruelty.

Akick to 00's head sent her sprawling, spitting out a bloodied tooth.

"Can't take a hit, can you? Do you know how long Cynthia endured my beatings? You're nothing compared to Cynthia. She is mytreasure. No wonder | love her so much. Without her, | can't even eat."

00 was seized by the hair again, her body now devoid of any spot untouched by violence. He found it boring, this woman tooweak, allowing herself to be beaten and only capable of crying. Pathetic.

He lost interest suddenly, releasing her. 00 curled up, trembling, looking utterly harmless.

Disgusted, Summer reached for a syringe, intending to inject her with a substance before harvesting her eyes. She would feelthe agony, yet remain completely paralyzed.

But before the needle reached her skin, 00 seized his wrist, twisting the syringe back into Summer's own flesh.

He hadn't expected such defiancefrom someone so seemingly mMharmless, and bye carte néatied toresistahe Urug was already injected.The counterattack was so swift thathe couldn't barely take a step back.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

She didn't give him a chance tocounter. After the drug got in hisbody, she sha pena bbttle fn therbom aid tab ed the shards intoSummer's eyes, blinding him one byone, before plunging the broken glassinto his abdomen. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Summer didn't die; the injection had rendered him silent, horror dawning in his eyes as his body stiffened.novelbin

After doing all those things, 00 had exerted all her strength. She killed Summer, which would discovered by others; her life wasover.

Maybe this was her mission all along. She wasn't sure if she had fulfilled Mr. Raymond's task, but she lacked the energy toponder that.

Thinking of her necklace, a small smile touched her lips. Soon, the room was ablaze, a minor explosion shaking its foundations.

00, to her last breath, remainednameless. And as the flamesengulfed her, egnwied Mafe tierhost ofr aja had Mr. Raymond'slove, something she yearned toexperience, if only for a second.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Yet, she was merely a substitute, unworthy even of a name in lan’s world.

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