Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1611
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His gaze had collided with lan's countless times, and there was this hunch in his gut, a feeling that lan might just be the one he'dbeen waiting for.

Sarah lifted her hand and tousled his hair affectionately.

“Maybe he is."novelbin

"You don't have faith in him, Doctor?"

"| have faith in everyone, but I'm always let down in the end."

Ashadow passed over Subject 8's face, his hand absentmindedly fidgeting with the jade beads around his neck.

Sarah lifted her hand again and continued tousling his hair.

“But the disappointment won't last forever. We'll get out of here, and you'll see your family again."

Hope flickered in Subject 8's eyes, and a genuine smile curved on his lips.

"Yeah, to see my family.”

He couldn't remember what his family looked like. The more he tried to recall, the more muddled his memories became.

But he knew that once, someone had held his hand tightly and never let go. He knew the story behind the bead he wore. He hadto leave this place, to see his family again.

His memory had been wiped once already, and the recollection of his arrival at this base had long since faded. The only world hecould remember was the one within these walls.

Sarah reached out and pinched his ear gently.“If we don't head back now, they're going to find that hatch.""I'll be caught whether | go back now or not. Doctor, please, take me back."

The weapon was created by Sarah; countless experiments had been inflicted upon each subject. Sarah always felt like she wasforgetting something important, searching for someone - perhaps a person she was desperately trying to protect.

It was this obsession that allowed her memory to gradually overcome her body's natural recollection, the same obsession thathad allowed Eric to survive the experiments all those years ago.

And it was obsession that kept this eighteen-year-old boy alive. Obsession was such an inexplicable thing.

In the central hall, everyone was frantically searching for Subject 8, but then they saw Sarah emerge from the core lab with thesubject in tow, secured by a chain.

Relief washed over them, and they quickly locked the subject in the containment box.

"Does the subject only listen to the Doctor?"

"It hasn't imprinted yet. The higher-ups haven't decided who to assign this weapon to."

"Doctor's really something, huh? Not scared at all? She did tear a few people apart right in front of her back in the day."

"Would you be scared of a knife in your own hand?"

The researchers whispered amongstthemselves as Sarah st gti t)Q tside thegominiien Vetbos

stanning the room. lan was nowherein sight. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

lan had already returned to the core lab and, using the air ducts, had made his way to where Summer was being held.He held a vial of drugs from the lab, overhearing voices below.

"Those eyes are so similar; | want to gouge them out."

"They're beautiful, Philip. | don't know how to thank you for this."

lan peered through the gap and saw Philip with 00, Phil, and an older man.

"If you're pleased, that's all that matters. | thought you'd be interested in Cynthia's daughter, given that you've taken Cynthiacaptive."

Philip was already standing, his lips curled in amusement, "I'll leave you to it.”

He'd intended to send Phil, but theih to see this Oye fochiniselfbear {ae st atr6ay, woman sothee to Maja ignited somethingae within him. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

He suddenly understood Summer'sdesire to keep Cynthia captive

because he too felt an agenmenting€.1g imprison Oa: thoughtgtéw more intense by the second; thelips were curled slightly, thewarmness in his gaze laced with ahint of something else. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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