Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1482
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Chapter 1482

He glanced casually at the man beside him, his tone indifferent.

"Give her another round of questioning, and if she still doesn't talk, well, I'm sick of her. We can do

without her breathing."

This charade had run its course. K's people had found a way in, and it looked like a head-on collision

was imminent.

And then there was Ian. Who knew how much effort it would take to dispatch him?

"Mr. Gellar, shouldn't we send this woman over to that person? Doesn't he always need sharp minds

for his research?"

Quentin's lips curled up as his fingertips rubbed together.

The very existence of Forbidden Island was to trade the underclass like cattle.

Aside from the privileged elite, the commoners were no better than livestock bred for the slaughter.

That was the harsh reality of Forbidden Island, where the average person was at the mercy of others.

Forbidden Island had been this way for many years.

The elites would come to pick the best and the brightest. Only those smart enough were chosen.

Quentin hadn't lied to Maja about the existence of the Jellyfish Seal. It was just a means to control the

lower echelons.

Make them all strive desperately for such a mark, believing they'd become superior, believing they

could change their destiny, when in fact, they were merely fodder on the chopping block.

How could Quentin, raised in such an environment, possibly have the feelings of an ordinary man?

"Mr. Gellar, that woman has more resilience than many men. The folks over there might fancy that."

A flicker passed through Quentin's eyes, a glitch in his thoughts that shouldn't have been there.

Just as he was about to agree, the person sent to find the Jellyfish Seal finally returned, kneelingnovelbin

respectfully before him.

"Mr. Gellar, we've got it."

In his hands was the immaculate Jellyfish Seal.

Quentin was momentarily stunned, almost believing he was hallucinating.

But there it was, the Jellyfish Seal, hidden in the small courtyard he had briefly inhabited.

That courtyard was just a place he'd used to punish that wretched woman and, incidentally, round up a

bunch of runts.

He'd never expected Maja to consider that place a sanctuary. Pure folly.

He lowered his lashes, tracing a finger over the seal.

His subordinate asked again from behind him.

"Mr. Gellar, that Maja's quite a looker. Before we send her off for research, maybe we could."

Before he could finish, a red line appeared on his neck, blood spurting out instantly.

"Shut up."

The others in the hall efficiently dragged the body away, no one daring to utter a word.

This was classic Quentin.

His fingertips continued to trace the Jellyfish Seal.

Warm to the touch, it was real.

Maja hadn't lied. He just hadn't believed her. She had revealed the location of the seal to him long ago.

Tonight's drama needn't have been performed.

The man holding the seal asked cautiously.

"Mr. Gellar, what's our next move?"

Now that they had the Jellyfish Seal, was it time to return to the organization?

The seal would surely stir excitement within the ranks.

Quentin's lips twisted into a cold smile.

"Forget it, let her live."

After all the damage she'd taken, it was a wonder how long she'd last anyway.

The man nodded as he watched Quentin pocket the seal.

After giving his orders, he turned and had paper and pen brought to him.

He penned a brief note. Updated at Drąmanovеls.cоm

—Maja, glad you're okay. I'm out.

A sign his heart was unsettled.

He tossed the pen aside, his voice icy.

"After dawn, give her this. And the charred skeleton."


Without another word, Quentin left with the seal.

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