Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1481
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Chapter 1481

"Maja, you don't need to worry about me."

Maja coughed twice in agitation, feeling a sharp pain in her chest.

"Don't harm him, I'll tell you"

Quentin's eyelashes fluttered, and his heart felt scorched by a sudden heat.

He hadn't expected her to relent so quickly.

His eyes instinctively avoided hers as he hung his head, lost in thought.

The man threatening him, however, dealt Maja a harsh slap.

"You stubborn dame, took all that beating and not a peep from you—I thought you had some


Maja's head turned slightly, her lips stained with blood.

Her gaze was serene, detached.

"The Jellyfish Seal is under the bed in my old room on Outer Island. There's a hidden compartment in

the floorboards; it's inside there."

Carrying the item had felt cumbersome, not because of its size but due to the constant threat it posed

to her safety.

Once she had found a temporary haven, she had stashed it there without much thought.

The man released Quentin, sneering. He called out to his accomplices outside. "Take this kid away.

And someone go check that place."

Quentin suddenly reached out, grabbing the torn fabric of Maja's shirt, marred by the marks of thenovelbin


He opened his mouth to speak, the words coming slowly, "The Jellyfish Seal, is it really there?"

Maja nodded.

He didn't believe it.

He had asked her before about the seal's whereabouts, and she had mentioned the same place.

It seemed implausible that anyone would casually leave something so valuable just lying around.

Maja's voice was hoarse, shaky from the pain.

"That was the first place I felt safe after arriving on Forbidden Island. Plus, the Brennan family had

been refurbishing the place. Other people would assume they'd already scoured the area, which is why

I hid it there."

Quentin was momentarily at a loss for words.

Still, he remained skeptical.

Perhaps because he had always been pretending, he found it hard to believe that someone could be


As two men escorted him out, Maja continued to plead.

"I've told you where the Jellyfish Seal is. Shouldn't you let him go now?"

"Hmph, once we find that thing, we'll release him. What's the rush?"

After he spoke, the man's gaze lingered on Maja's face.

"I hadn't noticed how pretty you are. No one's coming to save you, so why don't I have my fun first?

After I'm bored, I'll pass you to my men."

Maja's face turned pale as Quentin was led away.

The door shut, leaving only Maja and the man intent on violating her.

Outside, Quentin touched the blood on his neck.

The men who had dragged him out now knelt, not daring to offend him.

His fingers traced the bloodstain, his voice icy.

"Deal with the one inside."

A dog that didn't obey its master had no reason to exist.


Just as the man inside unbuckled his belt, a bullet pierced his chest.

His eyes widened in shock, not even knowing who had killed him.

Maja didn't know either; she only heard the gunshot. Content belongs to Drąмanо

Exhausted and in pain, she endured until the late hours of the night.

Quentin sat in the lobby, waiting for his people to retrieve the Jellyfish Seal.

Another hour passed, and his expression grew colder.

Clearly, Maja had lied.

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