Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1366
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Chapter 1366

Her eyes were brimming with desperation as she seized the moment to plead with Arlene.

"Mom, please talk to Dad. I really don't want to leave you all. I promise I'll take good care of you in the

future. Don't make me go."

Arlene's face was etched with sympathy, and she wanted to intercede, but Augus's stance left her

feeling anxious and insecure.

Deep down, she knew that if she spoke up for Judith, she might find herself cast out as well.

She heaved a sigh, too fearful to utter another word.

Judith could barely contain her frustration at the sight of this helpless woman; she felt like she was

about to burst with anger.

"Mom, Dylan, please, you've got to help me," she begged.

Dylan was still on his knees, speechless, stunned by the revelation Augus had made.

It was impossible.

Judith was so kind; she could never deceive him.

And he could never be responsible for his own sister's demise.

He straightened his back, unable to form a single word.

At that moment, the sound of the living room door turning caught everyone's attention. Beck strolled in

from the outside, visibly confused at the chaos before him.

"What's going on here?"

No one bothered to explain; only Augus spoke up.

"Beck, you'll temporarily take charge of the Sanders family shares. You'll also step up as CEO."

Beck thought he was hearing things. Known as the black sheep of the family, he was the last person

expected to handle the well-managed Sanders Group. What had gotten into Dad?

He had just returned from Greenfield and was totally out of the loop.

"Dad, you're joking, right?"

But Augus's stern expression, alongside the sight of Judith being held by two bodyguards and Dylan

still kneeling, blood trickling from his forehead, made Beck swallow hard. The air felt charged, like a

ticking time bomb.

Augus was the authority of the family, and now that he was infuriated, to defy him now would be

tantamount to signing one's own death warrant.

Beck stood in the doorway, silent, until Dylan finally spoke.

"Father, I will investigate this matter."

Augus's response was cold and final.

"Get out. From now on, you are no son of mine! The Sanders family doesn't need someone like you!"

Beck flinched at those words but saw the red rims in his brother's eyes.

Without a word, Dylan rose and walked towards the door, followed by Judith, escorted by the guards.

Beck didn't dare to return to this household; he quietly followed them out.

Catching up to Dylan, he asked, "Bro, what the heck happened? Why is Dad so furious?"

Dylan paused and recounted the shocking claim that Jolin was the true Sanders daughter, and that she

had been harmed because of him.

Beck stood frozen, his mind racing.

"Is that Jolin the same girl Ian paraded around as his arm candy recently? The one who's still in

college? The ages don't match up."

"Her age was falsified."

Dylan's voice was hoarse, his eyes still red.

His life had always been smooth sailing, guided by his parents' teachings to always be unconditionally

good to his sister. Never would he have imagined such a tragic turn.

"Please, don't abandon me," Judith sobbed, clutching her heart, terror-stricken and drenched in sweat,

before collapsing in a crying fit.

Dylan, ever the soft-hearted toward family and having treated Judith like a sister for over twenty years,

couldn't bear to see her fall.

Instinctively, he moved to catch her but was stopped by Beck's firm grip.

"If what Dad said is true, then Judith is responsible for our sister's death. Our real sister who grew up in

hardship, never knowing comfort, while Judith, a child of unknown parentage, was coddled by us fornovelbin

years. Are you really going to compound your mistakes? If our real sister did die in tonight's crash, the

kinder you are to Judith, the less peace her spirit will have."

Dylan stood there, as if frozen, suddenly uncertain of how to react.

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